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Moving to Hervey Bay from UK in 2015


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I see there are a lot of threads on people moving to QLD from UK but mostly to Brisbane. Is anyone moving to Hervey Bay, or has moved recently? Or anyone been living there for a while who can provide some info. We will be moving there soon (in 4-6 months) Our basic concerns are:

Schooling, we have a 7 year old and a 3 year old. And how long before the kids settle, stop missing friends back in UK?

How long before you start to 'settle down', 'feel at home'.

Are there any meet-ups for ppl from UK.

Weather, lifestyle of Hervey Bay.


Any other info (hopefully positive) will be helpful and motivating :) Feeling nervous/confused as I'm sure everyone does before the move but trying to be positive and keeping an open mind.




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  • 3 months later...

Different people obviously like different things, and i'm far from a city lover, prefer the quieter pace and away from the rat race, no sitting in traffic on way to work school etc etc, so here's my take on the town.


People say its mostly a holiday retirees region, but that is so old school now, we've been here 2 years and the development that is going is unreal. It is THE fastest growing region in queensland, there are new housing developments being built all the time, a brand new shopping centre which is pretty decent in terms of what we did have previously. In the last few months I have noticed nearly every childrens playground on the esplanade has had a revamp with work still ongoing. As the saying goes "build it and they will come"


As long as you have a job to come too, you're winning. That's the major issue in this region, lack of industry etc.


I can only comment on the school I send my young children to, Kawungan State School (primary). It has a really good reputation and my children settled extremely quickly made friends easily and love their teachers. I think they are doing a great job educating my littlies. There are about 6 state primaries, 2 state high schools and maybe 4 private primary-secondary schools, considering this is supposedly a "retirees" area that's a whole lot of schools and a whole lot of children and families! Kawungan has in the region of 1000 pupils alone.


As for settling down and feeling at home ourselves, we are nearly there I reckon, its difficult as we are still renting, hubby made his own work here by opening a barber shop and we cant get a mortgage until he has 2 years worth of tax returns as is self employed. Once we get that home of our own, I think that will be it for us, Hervey Bay definitely will be "home". We've even started saying we have to back to wales for a visit, rather than saying we have to go back "home".


The weather is pretty perfect in my opinion, this summer has been very sticky which has been the downside, however as long as you have aircon in your house it shouldn't bother you. I would say if you find it difficult coping in heat then make sure you get a house with aircon, our previous rental didn't and was in a pocket where it didn't get much in the way of breezes, that's the only reason we left as just couldnt cope. Winter is gorgeous, cool sometimes nippy mornings and evenings but generally every day will be dry and sunny - "happy weather", reaching around 20 degrees during the day.


Our lifestyle consists of days out to the beach, fishing, bbq-ing, taking kids to parks, biking, walking, eating out at the numerous eateries around the place, maybe travelling outside of the bay at weekends and still exploring the vast region around us. Going bush/beach in our 4WD vehicle. Fraser island is a must! Absolutely Beautiful! We are seriously considering buying our yearly pass for the island as we love it so much. Generally just embracing all things Aussie.


In the 2 years we've been here we've yet to make it to Brisbane lol, too much to see in between. We've been as far south as Australia Zoo, erm 6 times lol, kids love it and whenever we get visitors its a must for them lol.


I've waffled on a bit, but if you need any more info and want to meet up when you arrive then you're more than welcome.

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Why did you pick Hervey Bay? Is it because of a job? If not, well I would just do your research carefully and maybe visit first. I always thought it sounded liked a lovely place and thought people were really lucky to be able to move there, but when I visited I quickly realised it would never have been for me.

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