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At the beginning of the process and very confused


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Hi this is my first posting on here and I am seeking some guidance from people who have already gone through the process of moving from the UK to Brisbane

I have had a couple of discussions with agencies that help with the process but don't know whether to use them as they are quite expensive or whether to go it alone. I am a special needs teacher so will require a skills assessment and I know I will need to take the IELTS. The problem I have is that I turn 50 next May so time is not on my side as I have been led to believe that 50 is the cut off point for a 190 visa.

Can anyone tell me if the cut off point (50) is at submission date or process date?

How easy is it to complete skills assessment and visa application without an agency?

From personal experience would you use an agency or not?

Can anyone recommend a good agency?


I am so confused so any help would be much appreciated

Thank you

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You must lodge a valid application before your 50th birthday (Australian time, remember they are ahead!).


no idea about assessment time, but many do OK without an agent. You need time, as a teacher you should be OK with evidence collection I know my NVQ assessor role helped!


Someone who knows more about teaching will be along soon.

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thank you for your response. what is an evidence collection? I have been teaching for 15 years and done a PG diploma in multi sensory impairment with a specialist teacher qualification- is that the sort of evidence that's required. I am an assistant head teacher so have various line management responsibilities including monitoring teaching and learning, health and safety, EYFS co ordinator, safeguarding and designated teacher for looked after children. I could put together a CV which details training courses etc- is that what i"d need to do ?


Thank you again

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Evidence that you meet all of the requirements, you need to check these carefully both for the skills assessment and the visa itself. All the information can be found by following links on immi.gov.au


i haven't checked if the job is on the sol/csol or if it is on the list for sponsorship for Queensland. If you do not know what I am talking about then settle in for a good read.


once you have got your head round it all then you can ask more specific questions. If you really cannot fathom it at all then maybe you do need an agent.


as I said start with the research ASAP.


also are you sure about the move? Have you been to Brisbane, it is not for the feint hearted these days. At your age without a decent financial plan I would be cautious. I am 53 soon and moved here in January, OH applied just before 50. Certainly not better off financially here, but we knew that before we came. Depends what you want of of life.

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Given your time constraints it would be best to use a good agent to help with your application, keep things moving quickly and no delays in your skills assessment.


But given your age, if you not getting points for partner skills, you will not meet the points test for the 190 visa, unless you have a phd.

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I'm one who is not a fan of agents for straightforward cases, but in your case, with time of the essence, I'd definitely get an agent - you can't afford not to.


What's driving your move to Brisbane? Have you looked into things like pension implications etc? You can get the British state pension here, but it will be frozen forever at the rate you start with - no indexation.

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Sorry this not looking good. Although the occupation is on the SOL you are going to need extra points so a 189 visa won't do it. It is not on the list for Queensland so Brisbane is out. Other option might be employer sponsorship but it would have to be a PR one if you wanted to stay.


Have ver you had a look at the link?

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