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Moving to Australia from London


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I'm 21 years old and planning on moving to Australia from London to work for 6 months. I just wanted to know how others have found the move from London. I also wanted to know the cost of living?

Generally need help to make my mind up :)

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Hi and welcome!


You would be looking for a working holiday visa (WHV) and there are lots of discussions on the forum about that and also about the cost of living. Obvs the latter varies depending on where you are. Have a search for working holiday visa/WHV and cost of living and something useful should pop up.


There are quite a few new discussions about WHV and also a section dedicated for WHV/backpacking - go to the home page and look towards the bottom of the links on the left.


EDIT: the moderators might move this post to the WHV/backpacking section and you'll probably get more responses there.

@scottishstacey might be able to help as well!

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I "guesstimate" that in Sydney at least you would pay $250-300 a week for a room in a shared flat or house. I also "guesstimate" you will be paid $20-25 per hour for bar work data entry whatever you can get, maybe more prob not Lee's than $20 ph? I get $28 per hour for my data entry job which is best rate I've had.


I don't know if you have any special skills.

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