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Travel on a 457 Visa


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Hi Folks,


Quick Q here..


I'm currently on a 457 visa, and I travel roughly every 3 weeks (over a weekend, taking either the Friday or the following Monday off work). So every three weeks I leave Australia to Asia for 3-4 days.


Reason being, my partner lives overseas and I'm in a genuine, committed relationship.


Now in regards to Visa and renewal, can this affect anything? Especially if I'm going ahead for PR visa? Could there be any complications If I'm out the country. Do I need to be in Australia for a minimum amount of time on my 457? I understand I can have unlimited entry and exits out of Australia but It'd be handy to get some expert advice :)



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Not expert advice as I'm just another 457 visa holder but travel is unrestricted on a 457. It also doesn't affect the 186/189 permanent visas (can't comment on others as I haven't looked into those). It DOES however affect citizenship as I think the rules say you have to have been in Aus for 4 years, at least one of which on a permanent visa and you can't have been out of the country for more than 3 months in the last year before applying for citizenship. :)

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