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We have landed and love it!


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I joined this forum a while ago whilst I was in the UK and found it very interesting and informative, although some of the posts a little negative and depressing at times. Certainly after our visa's had been granted and we had sold our house and the move was imminent I started to freak out a bit about the job situation as there were so many unsuccessful stories but we pushed on with our plans. We had applied for a skilled migration visa as an Accountant and we arrived on 3 September in Melbourne without any job or specific plans except a holiday rental for a few weeks. With two small children in tow some might think we were a little crazy to leave a good UK job behind, a house we had just renovated and family and friends but we had lived overseas before and loved it and thought Australia would be a good move for us as a family.


Although we loved Melbourne, we quickly realised that the job market wasn't as fast paced in financial services as Sydney so although it wasn't our preferred option (for a variety of reasons) our nerves got the better of us and rather than sit it out and spend what savings we had we arranged flights after two weeks and in effect started all over again, job searching, house searching and generally familiarising ourselves with a whole new city. Having kids, one who had just finished Reception in UK and the other 3 years old we knew a family friendly community was paramount but Sydney is very expensive and we weren't prepared to sacrifice distance to the beach so we had to widen our search to affordable costal areas. Searching for a rental when you haven't actually secured a job is stressful, not from getting the rental aspect but just making a decision on an area (and therefore a school for us as we weren't going private and they are all catchment area based) without knowing the location of the job nor how much you are going to actually earn. We researched and researched and thankfully made a right choice for us and found a suitably price rental in a lovely area. My husband battled on with the job search and a month after arriving in Australia was offered a job practically the same as what he did back in the UK with a fair salary so it all worked out. We are loving our new lives. We love being close to the beach and are enjoying the warmer weather now and lots new attractions to see and do. I think we are lucky we didn't have the stress and worry of finding a job and home and school for too long and have managed to settle really very quickly but it wasn't without a lot of hard work. So I guess my message is this, it is possible to make the move and everything to work out but it does take guts, lots of research and I think you really have to want it as it can be tempting not to bother as it is tough at times. The flight alone was a killer, then having to make a tonne of decisions straight away from buying a car to which type of milk to buy (as believe we tried a few and they all have such different tastes it was trial and error to find something to suit us all). There are still challenges we face but the major ones have gone and we are enjoying settling in.


It is of course a whole lot easier and a lot less stressful if you already have a job before you come over but for us we really wanted to explore the state/city and job options and not be tied to an employer through a work visa so we went for PR. I can only speak for financial services but the job market is tough and really you are only likely to find employment once you come over doing exactly as you did in the UK. If you are looking for a career change or to move up or across then get some experience in the role first as they are only really interested in your latest work experience. I have found money to be comparable to UK, salaries and expenses (minus the cost of housing which is a bit crazy) so the same lifestyle you had in the UK is achievable (depending on whether you rent/buy and how much you decide to sign up to pay each week/month).


We really love it here and I wish everyone else luck on their migration plans, whatever they may be. If you believe it then you can make it.

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Brilliant post, we are arriving in adelaide in March and with my husband working in construction we can't really start looking for work until nearer the time we move, so like you we will probably go and he will get a job while we are out there. It's really good to read a successful, positive post. We also have two children which obviously makes things seem like an even bigger risk, but sometimes risks just have to be taken........

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Great piece of information dear... We are indeed expecting our golden mail at any time. Got plans to settle in NSW, probably Sydney due to better job prospects & stunning beaches... As we aren't willing to buy a property straight away I would appreciate if you could recommend us some areas to stay where rents are lower and which are decent enough to keep a family...

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