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how to open bank account


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Moving to Adelaide in January read in the past about opening account from uk ready for arrival, is this right and how do you do?


Also i obviously have no address there how do you get past this issue?


And finally which bank for basic bank account with debit card?



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we've not long opened an account with Commonwealth Bank, did it all online. Just have to go in to nominated branch, when we get to Oz, with our passport & welcome letters and we'll get our debit cards. Have transferred a small amount (just to check that it deposited) & so far it all looks ok (fingers crossed)!!

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Westpac are meant to be very good and they can arrange for cards to be sent to you before you go. What most banks will ask is that once you have a permanent address in Australia you go in to your local branch and complete ID checks. The banking system is very different over there from the UK. Before choosing which bank to use it is worth looking up how many cashpoints they have in what will be your new local area- as it is likely you will be charged for using other banks cash machines!

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thank you for replies.....depositing $2000 should not be an issue so its to decide which one. Ty Parley

Will also look online at process with commonwealth. I like the idea of westpac, getting cards before is ideal.


How did you transfer funds say 8- 10k initially?

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Hi Tina I used NAB initially. I set it up from UK and transferred money with money corp prior to going over, prior to arriving I arranged an appt so about day 2 of getting here I went to my nominated NAB and they had Eftpos cards waiting for us!

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