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Climate Change, proof its happening now.


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[h=1]In the UK as well, lets start laughing at the deniers.


Climate-denying Australia slammed with another record-breaking heat wave[/h]n this time of increasingly scientific understanding and public awareness and advocacy surrounding man-made climate change, it’s a hard thing indeed to ignore the reality of the situation. It’s even harder when your policy of dismissing climate concerns and actively rolling back climate policies keeps getting undermined by extreme, record-breaking heat waves.

Australia’s first major heat wave of the not-quite-yet summer is unusual in both temperature highs and duration, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. The country’s hottest-ever October day, coming a month before the official start of summer, saw average maximum temperatures of 36.39 Celsius (97.5 degrees Fahrenheit) — a record unmatched since record-keeping began in 1910. That was Saturday; Sunday, according to early estimates, was almost as hot.

Heat waves “are all occurring generally about a week early and the extent is longer than observed before,” said a spokesperson at Australia’s Bureau of Meteorology, echoing experts’ belief that climate change is causing Australian summers to start earlier and last longer, with the hottest days peaking to new highs. Those beliefs certainly bore out last summer, its hottest on record, which saw ongoing heat waves and temperatures creeping as high as 122 degrees Fahrenheit.

The extreme heat was most likely a direct consequence of climate change, five separate teams of researchers, using distinct methods, all confirmed in what the New York Times called ”perhaps the most definitive statement climate scientists have made tying a specific weather event to global warming.”

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the denier crew speak volumes in their absence.


I don't care about climate change. I'm scared of Ebola, scared of ISIS, scared of 'The Benghal Lancer', scared of HIV/Aids, scared of the rise of China as a world power, but not the least bit scared of climate change.


Australia is responsible for such a miniscule percentage of the world's contribution to climate change, that even if we did everything the greenies want us to do, the world would not notice, unless of course the really big polluters like China, Russia, India and the USA made significant changes, which they won't of course.


Naturally, the greenies want Australia to destroy its own industrial infrustructure and take us back to The Dark Ages, whilst our competitors continue to mine coal, and build conventional power stations, and of course, take away all our markets.

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Visitors to the Whitsundays can read how Aboriginal tribes used to walk to the islands, but within a few generations the sea level rose dramatically to create the islands. Or read that a few centuries ago the Thames used to freeze over regularly so that Londoners had parties on the ice. I don't think anyone denies that climate change has happened over the generations, but differ over the extent to which mankind is contributing besides our planets natural rhythms and processes. If humankind want to reduce greenhouse gases without losing what most of us consider civilisation, there is only nuclear power. At the moment there is no practical technology that would save solar, wind, tidal, etc power for nights when it is cold, dark, in between tides and without wind.

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