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Sunshine Coast or Auckland


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Hi all,


we moved back to the UK last year from the sunshine Coast Qld, but we're moving back next March. The thing is my daughters move to Auckland and she saying how good it is.


my wife is in two minds on what to do. She's a nurse and theres always plenty of work on the sunshine Coast, where's as the seems to be limited jobs in Auckland.


would like to hear from anybody who could give us some info on Auckland who as lived there, comparing the two. I know salaries are much better in Oz but apart from that that's all I know.


cheers Troy

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If your daughter is in Auckland, and your wife can get a job there, wouldn't that be the preferred option? Live on the Sunshine Coast, and you will only be able to see your daughter for holidays. Live in Auckland, and see her whenever you want, and if one or other of you is ill, then that will be easier too.


If your daughter wasn't there, then I would just say, as I said in answer to another similar question, think of it as two 'right' decisions, rather than one 'wrong' and one 'right.' Personally, I would not mind living in either place.

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I think Auckland versus QLD depends on factors that have not been mentioned.


They are different for a various different reasons and relevance to your own circumstances.


For income I am earning more than I was in Sydney or Melbourne


For weather its been less humid and a more "comfortable" temperature to work and play outside.


The public transport system appears better, the people have been generally far more helpful -


People work hard compared to Oz. I don't see people suffering from working long hours and the problem is mainly about securing workers due to the speed of the economy.

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