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desperate to return to uk but partner not wanting to at all


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This is why I always shudder when I see some of the people who are coming to Australia today. Years ago, people migrated to Australia because life was really hard in Britain and Australia offered more opportunities. These days, the battlers in the UK can't afford to migrate (or can't qualify), so it's people who already have a good life in Britain who do it - which is crazy, because Australia doesn't offer anything better, it's just different.


Good point but for those just looking for different (like us) that is fine. I agree with you though that there appears to be many people who still think their lifestyles (less work, more leisure/family time, more money, better house etc) will be enhanced by a move to Oz and whilst that is possible it is probably not very likely.

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Good point but for those just looking for different (like us) that is fine. I agree with you though that there appears to be many people who still think their lifestyles (less work, more leisure/family time, more money, better house etc) will be enhanced by a move to Oz and whilst that is possible it is probably not very likely.

good post and you work longer hours in oz to fund the extra cost of living, i found 6 days a week the norm on building sites.

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I guess for some their lifestyles are enhanced by the greater number of hours of sunshine in which to pursue their sports/hobbies but I agree that anyone seeking less work, more leisure/family time, more money, better house etc. could be very disappointed. We have been happy here but we certainly don't get more time off or cheaper housing etc.

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Depends on the area I guess, I know housing has become super expensive here in Australia, but if we wanted to move 20mins outside of geelong where we both now work we can buy a nice house on a few acres of land for same price as a 4 bedroom in Geelong itself (maybe same price as house in outer melbourne suburb). some people might think that is loads better if you want a horse or some animals or just some space

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I suspect the OP won't return to this thread given how long it's been, but if she is reading then the Federal Government has introduced a $200 voucher for relationship counselling for couples, which might be a good idea.


I've got a one year old and battle persistent homesickness but nothing like PND. I would certainly not consider any life-changing decisions in the first year of having a baby. It's just such a crazy time and it's very hard to readjust to both your new lives even without the complication of being away from family. Homesickness can be a convenient crutch on which to pin all your post-baby issues. Remember that moving home is going to be very different to going back for a holiday. Would you consider emigrating to Oz a few months after having kid? No. Emigrating back to the UK would be just as stressful.

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because Australia doesn't offer anything better, it's just different.


Agree 100% Marisawright. It has taken moving here to come to that conclusion but its true. Anyway, a "better' life is a hazy area, its down to the individual.


For us we have better weather, bigger house, more beach/outdoors time




the same/slightly less spare money (due to childcare costs as no family to help) the same/maybe less family time due to my wife having to work more due to cost of living and extra childcare.


If someone values 'things' as a better life then Aus will/could offer a better life, if you value people and time spent with those people then its not better (IMHO)


For us Aus is a good adventure for us at present and we are taking any opportunities that come our way but long term I think we will go back home and enjoy the important things in life not the materialistic things.

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Wattsy1982 is so right. Australia is so much about the material things in life. To the OP I would be seeking some professional help with the depression. I have suffered for a long time and often think mbttuk would be a quick fix. Talking to a doctor and getting on the right medication can make a hugh difference to your life. I can't wait to move back to UK but know for now I need to fix myself before I make a major move back to the UK.

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