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DavePoll (c) Do you like living in OZ? Why/Why Not? Would you go back for good if you could?


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Do you like living in Aus?




We love being outdoors. I'm having my breakfast outside as I post this.

Even in winter, we often sit outside next to the chimnea at night.


We take the dog to the beach every weekend, and even our 14 year old enjoys coming with us to do this.


We regularly go camping with other families. The kids all go off and play and the adults sit around talking and having a few beers. Everyone is happy!


I love the bush and I am fortunate to be able to see it everywhere here. Lots of hills lead to lovely views and there are plenty of local bush reserves.

On average, twice per year, I visit the wineries with the girls - great fun!


I feel that my daughter has been able to stay younger here, for longer. This is in part due to the fact that we can afford a private catholic school.


Lots of reasons really! I love the UK too and wasn't unhappy there. I just prefer the lifestyle here.


Would you go back?

It's doubtful.

Like others, I would never say never. Who knows what the future holds!

But it's not on the cards any time soon.

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Everytime I went back to the UK for long extended visits I couldn't wait to get back here. Hated the place, closed in on me like a prison with all the crowds. As soon as I returned I took a deep breath and started to live again. Don't ask me why, no idea.

Good taste?

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Same everywhere. Kids are often the anchor preventing a return. All to many over look this fact. Even worse the kids flee overseas leaving the parents in their age stranded to an extent in the country they came to in hope of improving their kids lot.


I suppose there is a certain irony in my brother emigrating to Australia at 22, marrying an Aussie girl, then fathering a boy who decides to move to England at 22, but I would not say that my brother is 'stranded' in Australia, as he has zero desire to move back to England. Of course, as a British citizen, he COULD do that.

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Do you like living in OZ?


In general, the answer is yes. The advantages to living in Australia over Britain have been whittled away in the last few years though.


Why do I like living in OZ?


Well... this is a leading question that only works if I have answered the first question in the affirmative. Things I like about Australia are lower population density, less stressful driving and parking, lots of open public spaces and parks with easy access, (slightly) more affordable housing, and fairly strong wages. I'm not going to mention the things I do not like because this isn't one of those threads.


Would I go back for good?


I have lived in Australia both in my childhood and adulthood, and in more than one state. If I go back to the UK it probably would not be for good because my main reasons for wanting to go back are family and travel to Europe. After a while these things would become less relevant and Australia might beckon again.

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Do you like living in OZ?


Yes, we've had a wonderful time to date.


Why do I like living in OZ?


I love our local community here and have made some life-long friends. I also feel I have had job opportunities here that I wouldn't in the UK. The weather is wonderful nine months of the year, relaxed pace of life where we live. The sense of space, both in terms of the house we live in, wide streets and room to move generally.



Would I go back for good?


Yes. As much as I love Australia, I love the UK too. I love the culture, the humour, the architecture and history. Access to Europe, ease of travel elsewhere. I'd be happy to move back to Australia in later life if my (by then) adult kids moved here and wanted DH and me to join them

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