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Brisbane local removalist recommendations?


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Hi, we are relocating to another rental in a couple of weeks and need a careful and fast (not rushing, just not taking the p1ss messing about) removalist! I'm considering Mini Movers as they apparently let you help load and unload, but they have the highest hourly rate I've seen!!


We'll be moving most of the boxes and small items ourselves, as we have use of a ute, in advance. On the day we just need to move the large, heavy items - beds, fridge freezer, washing machine, couch, tallboys and a few other bulky bits.


Any advice appreciated!


ETA if it helps we're moving from Chermside in the north to Mt Gravatt in the south, about a half hour drive.

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Every time I've moved I hired a budget tail lift van for around 120 bucks for 24hrs.......50bucks to my son's mate for helping. If youu decide to go that way, let me know if you need help. I've got a sack truck to lift the friidge freezer and washing machine and some eskies for the frozen food.

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I use minimovers every move, they are expensive but I have found them pretty efficient. You will pay for their travel though so need to factor that in. We did as you did and did the little stuff ourselves but when it comes to moving the heavy stuff i found it helpful to have two strapping lads do the heavy lifting!

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Thanks folks, got some serious thinking to do.... Hubby is edging towards a self-move whereas I think we should suck it up and hire the beefy boys to do all the work! I want it to be as quick and stress free as possible, time and comfort are my priorities heehee.


I see the mini movers depot is in Logan so would take a while to get to Chermside but nit bad at the south end. Still, $179/hour arghhh!! Chortlepuss, as your moving technique is similar, how long did mini movers take to load and unload? I like the fact they encourage clients to help and save time.


Johndoe thanks, if hubby wins and we go self-move I may be after your advice, just nervous about glass cabinets breaking and stuff.

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Oh and the little fella in my avatar there is rapt with all these cardboard boxes around, it's like one big kitty adventure playground for him!! Will be interesting to see how the full move goes, he's a real escape artist and getting him in his carrier is a nightmare since he had a rough time at the vets...

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Hubby and i bought one of the 2 wheeler trolley truck 'things' from Bunnings to move washer/ fridge freezer etc and it was easy enough with the 2 of us. Packing wise ,pick up lots of cardboard boxes from the shops and to save space you could wrap delicates in pillow cases ,towels etc. It worked for us.


Cal x

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I'm afraid mini movers did charge a small fortune as we had quite a bit to move (despite doing a ton ourselves) and needed a large van so ended up paying nearly a grand for 5 hours work and all packing materials etc. You'll save a heap of $ by doing it yourself but we don't have sufficient access to strong strapping blokes (but many of us don't eh, ladies!)

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Well I booked a removalist in the end - On The Move whose rate falls nicely between the pricey Mini Movers and the unrealistically cheap Riverbank. They allow us to help and it sounds like they won't want to hang around and muck about as there'll be other jobs to get to, we get them first thing, 8am saturday.


We have taken 4 ute loads already, will do another 2 today, and it truly feels like we've made progress. If we are organised by saturday morning I reckon the whole thing should only take about 3 hours. I hope so - can't wait to get settled, I love the place already!

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Not too far, our street is quite hilly and you can see the mountain really well from the far end, but our place is lower down so can't see it so well. Still, with a huge balcony both at the front and back of the house we should get some nice sunset/rise views :)


Our current place has been great for the 3 years we've been here, but the next house is a huge upgrade! I even get free baths thanks to the solar hot water, never bothered here as it's a huge bath and costly to fill! And the extra rent is all covered by the pay rise I got when unexpectedly promoted - win!

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Thanks Straddy, I saw that too late :( But in the end we used On The Move. They were fantastic, really looked after our stuff. Only issue was we had to do two trips but that's partly our fault - we basically didn't disassemble anything at all, except the beds which couldn't possibly be removed otherwise, so the loads were very bulky. The boys were great and even knocked a bit off the price for doing two runs. Best of all they safely moved our new huuuuge fridge freezer upstairs - it had been delivered to the new address the day before by a one man crew who obviously couldn't move it up the stairs, and I had resigned it to being a laundry room beer fridge in my head!


We would use On The Move again, and the hourly rate is a good bit less than Mini Movers!

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