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I am listening to 2GB, 'The Voice Of The Plebs!'


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Go to their website if you are living in Pommieland and want to know what you are letting yourself in for if you come to Oz!


Listen to 'real' Aussies expressing their fears about their lives.


Listen to ' The Kings of Bigotry' Ray Hadley, Alan Jones, Chris Smith, et all, and marvel at their grip on the hearts and minds of ordinary Australisns

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Alan Jones is usually on 530 to 9 but he is away so Chris Smith is doing his show and Steve Price is doing HIS show noon to 3pm.Ray Hadley is on now 9am. To noon. I don't know why they call them 'shock jocks?' They are not like Howard Stern. Do they have forthright views? You bet.Do they hate Juliar Gillard and KEvin Rudd? Ditto. But they are not anti working class and much of their audience comes from that demographic out in the far flung suburbs far from the inner city where the rich socialists live.


Ray was just talking to a lovely old lady from, I think, Berrigan out south west of Wagga Wagga. She was telling Ray about the Berrigan Show in two weeks time. "I'm a wowser Ray, I don't drink grog, but my son will make up for that."(There are two good Aussie words there too, wonder and grog.) Ray used a couple of them himself later expressing his outrage about NSW prisons. "Pig's Bum! They must think I came down in the last shower!"


You do have shock jocks in Melbourne! You are not that posh! Just look along the AM dial!

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Go to their website if you are living in Pommieland and want to know what you are letting yourself in for if you come to Oz!


Listen to 'real' Aussies expressing their fears about their lives.


Listen to ' The Kings of Bigotry' Ray Hadley, Alan Jones, Chris Smith, et all, and marvel at their grip on the hearts and minds of ordinary Australisns


I find it deeply ironic that a plastic Aussie such as yourself (listen to yourself FFS man: 'arvo', 'Strawbo' etc), living what can hardly be described as a 'hard yakka' tradie utopian lifestyle, has the gall to lecture people on here as to what a 'real' Aussie is.....HOW patronising!

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I find it deeply ironic that a plastic Aussie such as yourself (listen to yourself FFS man: 'arvo', 'Strawbo' etc), living what can hardly be described as a 'hard yakka' tradie utopian lifestyle, has the gall to lecture people on here as to what a 'real' Aussie is.....HOW patronising!

Lucky that I've knocked back a few stubbies of Coopers before reading this to ease the pain of seeing the truth of my sad life exposed!?


At Barbie with my cobbers including a Sheila.


Good on you Harpo

Tip Tops the one

good on you Harpo


Strewth! That blokes got no strides on!

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They do love the sound of their own voices...................


Read recently one has an interesting history with an AVO i think its called registered against him and then withdrawn. Makes you think after listening to some of their rants on radio...........

2GB might need to look at their retirement policy


and if they dont like your view,opinion you just get cut off, so much for "talk" radio....................



Anyone any suggestion for other talk radio. we live on sunshine coast and like to listen online to to keep up to date on what is happening in the country

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