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What to do?????


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Has anyone had a difficult few years with health, and find themselves confused over wether to return back to the uk?


I do like Australia but the last few years have been very trying. Firstly myself with going back and fourth to the hospitals for venesection every 2 weeks, just get back on track and then my

husband ends up going in for open heart surgery, which they did an amazing job and the hospital care was amazing, then has to have a pacemaker fitted, which gives a few restrictions for him.

It has left me with the dilema on staying here. All the family are back in the UK. He is recovering but my stress levels are off the show and trying to hold the business together. I feel very confused over this, and was wondering if anyone out there has had a similar experience.

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Sorry to hear about your health issues! Being unwell and unsupported is no picnic but if you love Australia then you may resent being "forced" back. However if you're struggling without support and are in a position to move to a more supportive environment then, maybe, go. But wait until things have settled down before you decide - decisions are always more rational when not made at times of duress!

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Sorry to hear about your health issues! Being unwell and unsupported is no picnic but if you love Australia then you may resent being "forced" back. However if you're struggling without support and are in a position to move to a more supportive environment then, maybe, go. But wait until things have settled down before you decide - decisions are always more rational when not made at times of duress!


Thankyou for your kind message. You are right, i feel i just need to sit back for a few months and see how things go. Sometimes you feel that you are the only one going through hell, but there are probably thousands of people in a worst position than myself.

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At the moment no, its always a trust thing when it comes down to your Business, and Hubby is unable to fly at the moment. I am sure things will work out in time, but yes i agree i should not make any rash decisions and concentrate on getting my hubby

back to good health.

Sometimes its just nice to hear what other peoples thoughts are when you feel blinkered.

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