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Work holiday entitlement


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Hi guys,


Hoping someone can answer a query I have.


In the UK our holiday entitlement at work would start from the beginning of the year so after receiving your allocation in January you could immediately book holiday for any time of the year up to your maximum allowance, so for example in January you could book say a week off in February, two weeks in June and a week later in the year. If you left the company and had taken more holiday than what you had accrued they would deduct the amount from your final salary.


My partner currently works in IT in Brisbane and is given a set amount of holiday days per year but has to accrue the holiday before he can take it. So in January when he is given 20 days he cannot book a week off in February for example as he has not accrued enough days holiday.


This is the first job that my partner has had since we moved here so could anyone please advise if this is how it is done in Australia or if it is dependent on the company and how they work.


Many thanks.

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Quite normal. We used to let our guys take it pro rata, so if they had 4 weeks allowance a year, after 3 months they could take a week. We used to allow them to go negative a week or so depending on the circumstances.

Sick leave was on a rolling 12 months. ie. No sick leave from a certain date with 12 months before the next lot could be taken. We had "unlimited"" sick leave, with the expectation that the average would be around 3 days or less, but did not take into account hospital stays for the person, or family emergencies if it was backed up by relevant paperwork.

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