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Place of Birth in Passport does not match Birth Cert


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So I just got my birth Cert to upload and I've noticed the place of birth doesn't match my passport. The passport says the home town where I have always lived and the birth cert the location of the hospital. Is this likely to cause a problem?


Will I need to upload the birth cert if I have already uploaded a certified copy of my passport?

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So I just got my birth Cert to upload and I've noticed the place of birth doesn't match my passport. The passport says the home town where I have always lived and the birth cert the location of the hospital. Is this likely to cause a problem?


Will I need to upload the birth cert if I have already uploaded a certified copy of my passport?


not much of a problem I think,


my birth certificate says dandenong, but my passports both say Melbourne.


Dandy is a suburb of Melbourne now, it obviously wasn't when I was born.......








Unless or course, one says London whilst the other says Baghdad.

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Does this imply you filled out the application form for your passport incorrectly ?


At next renewal of passport I would make sure to write the correct place of birth on the application form.


I guess it was filled out incorrectly as some point (most likely by my parents for my first passport), up until now I've always used my existing passport to renew. Was only when i got my birth cert posted out by my parents that I noticed the error.


There isnt a massive difference, place of birth on the cert is a hospital name, the place on my passport is the town my parents lived in (40km away)


I guess I always knew I wasnt physically born where is said on my passport but never paid any attention.

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Yeah the Cert says place of Birth: C***E hospital

It does say the location of the registrars office as D****N

Then my passport says place of birth M******H


Guess the only way to find out is to upload it. From what I've read my passport alone wont suffice for proof of identity.


But yep I'll get it fixed in my next renewal. Thanks

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I had exactly this problem, however it was NEVER picked up throughout the visa process, the only reason i found out was the Post office man picked up on it when i went to get an Aussie passport last year.


I was born at Bolton General Hospital which is located in Farnworth, which is in the town of Bolton,, however my passport said Bolton as the birth location and Birth cert said Farnworth !!! It wouldn't be accepted, if it was submitted, however i was lucky i had a helpful counter clerk who went through all my paperwork and found i had my citizenship cert and other docs so didnt need to rely on my UK passport in the end.


Cal x

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I wouldnt like to say TBH, but i am here , so my visa wasnt rejected (i did piggy back on hubbys skills but not sure this makes a difference), but the post office guy here said my application for an Australian passport would be rejected if id have submitted it.

Are you using an agent, if so have you ran it past them?


Cal x

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Yeah I get what your saying. Could just be a matter of chance if it got through.


No not using an agent, never envisaged any complications tbh. Got a quote for some advice $330, seems a lot just for a single question!

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Australia has stricter rules on its passports for the location of birth. My children who were born in London have place of birth as London on their UK passport. The birth certificiate states the hospital name and the London borough of.... even though I entered London for place of birth on their their Aussie passport applications when I went to lodge the form the guy who checked it changed the location to be the Name of the borough the hospital was in, they are both in London but the Aussie one needs to be more specific apparently.

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Haha that's a lot more strict than Ireland where they obviously didn't even cross reference my birth cert and passport the first time I got it.


Text my parents to ask them my birthplace and they just replied my hometown. Guess that explains how it got mixed up and I never had reason to cross reference it with my passport before now.


Really now sure what to do now. I suppose I could just upload it and see what the outcome is.


appreciate all the replies

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