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Global visa/ixp visa


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Hi, is anyone else having issues with this company, have been told they have been taken over by a new company. We haven't been able yo get hold of anyone, their not answering the phones or our messages and really worried our application will run out of time as we've almost completed it, I think. We have read loads of reviews saying their a scam and take your money and run but we thought they had to follow immigration laws. Anyone got through or can help us, thanks :confused::confused:

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I think that company has been named on here a few times recently saying they have gone into administration. Agents should be registered with MARA -thats the way to know you are using a reputable organisation. Hope you get sorted.

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Thanks kellyv, they say that they have MARA registered agents that work for them in Australia, think I missed this when we signed up with them. We've had 4 different agents so far which have got us to the final stages of our application, just need to know if they submitted all our information before they went into administration. Is there a telephone number for the Australian government? We can only find a number if your in Australia already.


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Could you not try the number on the immi website for people in the UK? It's the Australian High Commission in London, they have access to the online records. The telephone line is open for english speaking people from 1pm - 4pm Monday - Friday. Tel: 020 7420 3690



I wonder whether they may be able to confirm whether your visa application has been submitted or not??


It's not entirely clear from your post what part of the process you're actually at so this may not be any help.

Good luck!

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We've done our medicals and criminal record checks, my partner has found the number to ring now thanks. Hoping to get hold of them tomorrow. Thanks people :smile:


So you are going to ring and ask if a visa has been lodged in your name? I just don't know that you are going to get anywhere with that.. not that I have a better idea right now though.


I am also wondering where you are at, what do you mean you have "almost completed" your application? And when you say run out of time do you mean your EOI is about to expire? Was there any reason you didn't you lodge the application sooner in that case?

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I'm sorry, my partner has been dealing with the whole process most of it through phone calls to our case worker. He's logged me on to our case management page so I can see the timescale for it all. It looks like all our documents (visa application) where submitted to the Australian authorities on the 27th of June. We were then told we had 60 days to complete our medicals and criminal record checks which would be attached to our submission. From what I can see our EOI was submitted last October. I'm still very confused by it all, if only GV or whoever they are would answer the phone.

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I'm sorry, my partner has been dealing with the whole process most of it through phone calls to our case worker. He's logged me on to our case management page so I can see the timescale for it all. It looks like all our documents (visa application) where submitted to the Australian authorities on the 27th of June. We were then told we had 60 days to complete our medicals and criminal record checks which would be attached to our submission. From what I can see our EOI was submitted last October. I'm still very confused by it all, if only GV or whoever they are would answer the phone.


Ok so that sounds a bit better than it did in your first post.


Is the "case management page" the migration agents website or is it the immigration departments website? Just want to be clear on what you are looking at.


Anyway, let's assume it accurate even if it is just the migration agents website. So your visa is lodged in June and now you have done medicals and police checks, have these been submitted to immigration? The medical should find its own way there but you would need to upload the police checks. Have you done this and if so when?

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Yea it's just the migrations agents website, our case worker said that our medicals would go straight there as we had to have a HAP number from immigration to even apply for our medicals. We uploaded our criminal record checks on the 8th of July. Just don't know if they were then sent to immigration. We have a receipt of payment from the Australian immigration for our visa submission, but this was sent to us from GV. It's just everything has gone through them so far and all has gone quiet which was causing all our worries.

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Yea it's just the migrations agents website, our case worker said that our medicals would go straight there as we had to have a HAP number from immigration to even apply for our medicals. We uploaded our criminal record checks on the 8th of July. Just don't know if they were then sent to immigration. We have a receipt of payment from the Australian immigration for our visa submission, but this was sent to us from GV. It's just everything has gone through them so far and all has gone quiet which was causing all our worries.


So it sounds ok to me. Why don't you send your police checks directly to DIBP, assuming you know your TRN? Delay could be referred medicals, loads of medicals are referred, could be just because of high blood pressure because of anxiety over doing a medical!

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Thanks guys, I certainly had high blood pressure last night! We're trying to find out our trn number so we can see how our case is developing of the immi website. The thing is our case worker has all the information and we just didn't know where we were with it all, after looking seems we might be ok, just as long as we pass medicals and PC. Thanks for walking me through it :wink:

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Yeah they've gone into administration, will no doubt reform again under some other guise.


Companies like Global Visas/IXP work by spending huge amounts on google ads and unethical SEO practice, while employing sales people with no knowledge of immigration law to sign people up regardless of eligibility and then outsourcing the work to various agents. Nobody takes ownership, nobody gets held accountable, the service provided is shocking and applicants end up losing money. They're not the only company that act in this fashion and as they have less overheads and are not confined by registration or a code of practice, its difficult for genuine agents/companies to compete with them.


I would suggest creating your own immiaccount and then importing your application. You should only require the TRN (found on the payment receipt) and your name & DOB. Then contacting the DIBP advising that you wish to receive all further correspondence personally which can be done by submitting form 956a withdrawing the appointment of the migration agent.


Why not also contact the insolvency agents Herron Fisher and see if you can claim anything: www.herronfisher.co.uk


Article on the liquidation: http://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/dreams-left-ruins-visa-firm-4004263

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Hello, we at IXP Visas are here and our UK office numbe has changed but you can also login into your client area to track your case and also speak to your team of case managers. There is also a feedback page if you are having difficulties like trying to reach us by phone.


however you you would like to reach us we are here and ready to help, we would have called you but the details given in the post could not be matched to any of our clients in our system. We look forward to speaking with you soon.

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