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Did any pomsinoz members make the move to australia without a migration agent ?


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We did a spouse visa ourselves.




All the info for evidence and the paperwork we would have had to collate to send to an agent anyway. All they would have done was fill in the form and send it in.


Costs incurred:


Printing put forms,

Stamp to send in application,

Application fee



The pen ink was free, I found it on the ground at work.

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I did everything myself with help from this site and a few others plus a couple of visits to the Australian Immigration office in London.


I just kept checking things over and over again before feeling secure in sending in the paperwork. I found waiting on others to provide Stat Decs the hardest as it delayed me.


However I am here and happy!


Unless your move here is overly complicated, you can do yourself. There is so much information out there and you can send as many questions as you like to sites like this on. Everyone here has a wealth of knowledge and there are some excellent MAs on the site too.


Don't be paying for someone who is half-hearted and if they are not doing the right thing in your eyes, report them.



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We started our visa application with an agent who seemed okay at the start but proved not to be very good. He gave us some wrong information which delayed our application and we decided to go the rest of the process alone, which, with the help of this forum went fine. My dad's currently applying for his visa using an agent and seems to be having an easier time of it than we did. If your application is fairly straight forward you can probably do it yourself, if not then I think an agent would be helpful. Just do your research beforehand and try not to go with a time waster like we did!

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If you research a lot and understand what you are going to apply(plus some other), DIY application isn't difficult. But if you don't have enough time to research, it would be hard.


i did the process myself. I followed all changes and checked website a lot for 6 years before applying. Out of interest, I checked Canada visa, but no idea how I apply even I spend one week to check website.


So I think using agent or not is depending how much do you understand the law/process. End of the day, agent asks you to collect document and fill forms(their own format), so I thought work loads didnt change between DIY and agent. (When I saw my friend used an agent)

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