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Anybody get these worrysome thoughts?

Australia Bound

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I sometimes worry that somehow our visas have expired or been cancelled and that i will sell my house and when me, my wife and 2 kids are standing at the airport check in desk with the one way ticket and our house contents bobbing along on a container ship the girl will turn round and say we've no right to go.



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They won't tell you you're not allowed in till you get there. From what I remember anyway. My family went on a holiday there when my sister was only about five. Booked through a travel agent who sorted our visas. They put an 'o' [letter] on the visa where on her passport is was a '0' [number]. After about 40 minutes [probably not that long but I remember it being a while. They had to contact the travel agents] of being questioned we were allowed go. It was a nightmare.

As long as you've double checked everything, that's all you can do, relax and enjoy (:

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We actually had a bad experience on our validation trip, we had renewed passports and took along our old ones (with the electronic visa on them) but try as we might to explain this to the girl at the desk, she was having none of it, and told us to we were not flying. Another check in agent overheard the situation, stepped in and got our visas transferred to the new passports with zero fuss.


It was after that i sent our passports away to get the visa label evidenced in them, you cant beat seeing that physical proof.

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We actually had a bad experience on our validation trip, we had renewed passports and took along our old ones (with the electronic visa on them) but try as we might to explain this to the girl at the desk, she was having none of it, and told us to we were not flying. Another check in agent overheard the situation, stepped in and got our visas transferred to the new passports with zero fuss.


It was after that i sent our passports away to get the visa label evidenced in them, you cant beat seeing that physical proof.


I completely agree, I would not even consider not having the visa label. We have three times had problems at airports with the electronic system and have been very glad to have the label.

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Don't sell your house..... Rent it out. That way you have a backup if, haven forbid - you decide you prefer Europe / the UK more than Aus. (don't believe the TV, lots of people do like the UK...... And some even go back - shock, horror)


LOL, We did the opposite, sold pretty much everything we had in the UK as we decided it would give us more motivation to hang in there and work through the rocky times if we came across them. Looking back im glad we did and we have no regrets about doing it that way.


Cal x

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LOL, We did the opposite, sold pretty much everything we had in the UK as we decided it would give us more motivation to hang in there and work through the rocky times if we came across them. Looking back im glad we did and we have no regrets about doing it that way.


Cal x



We did exactly the same. A positive mindset goes a long way IMO.

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