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Documents for visa application.

Jules RT

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Hi all,


I'm probably being a bit premature here as I'm still awaiting my assessment result, it's been 16 weeks ready?! But a friend who is a solicitor has offered to certify any documents we need for our visa application, which is great of him. I'm just not sure what we are going to need?


Hopefully someone on here can assist us?


Thanks in advance.


Jules x

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Jules, from experience I found the easiest way to locate the list was to download the application form number for your visa, and the checklist will be included in that form. The checklist(s) are on the website in other places, but may be harder to ferret out.

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Did my wife and kids 309/100 back in 2008, and her 155 Return Resident last year. The 100 was a real pain, (ton of paperwork, lots of hoops to jump through) the 155 not so much, just updating some things. That being said, Jules, all the visa apps are different and you may well need professional assistance with a 189/190; I am not familiar at all with those so don't want to lead you down the garden path. Perhaps someone with experience with the 189/190 will chime in. You may have to post your query in some other topic string??

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We certified passports, qualifications certificates & transcripts, IELTS certificate, skills assessment and work references so pretty much everything. We've got a 189 visa & we did it ourselves - no agent. We move out to Melbourne in just over 3 weeks!

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Wow 3 weeks how exciting and busy! How's the packing going?! Have you got jobs, house etc to go to?


I'm currently struggling with the IELTS, I will be having my third attempt in 2 weeks, hopefully it will be 3rd time lucky :0)

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No jobs, no house! Staying at a friends house while they're on holiday for a couple of weeks & looking round for somewhere to rent then. We've found decent jobs are very hard to get from here so we're taking a calculated risk & going out without (but with a few irons in the fire). The packing will be done by the removals company in a week or so's time, it's more the clearing out and the cleaning stuff which we're busy with at the moment & which takes forever. As a native English speaker, IELTS is harder than you think it should be! Good luck on your next one...

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We certified passports, qualifications certificates & transcripts, IELTS certificate, skills assessment and work references so pretty much everything. We've got a 189 visa & we did it ourselves - no agent. We move out to Melbourne in just over 3 weeks!


It was not necessary to have any of these documents certified for the DIBP.

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Hi wrussell, what did you do then? I thought they needed to be certified? I haven't checked the website yet as Seppo suggested, I'm watching the closing ceremony of the commonwealth games and watching the video of the Gold Coast...I can't wait to be there!


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Wow 3 weeks how exciting and busy! How's the packing going?! Have you got jobs, house etc to go to?


I'm currently struggling with the IELTS, I will be having my third attempt in 2 weeks, hopefully it will be 3rd time lucky :0)


Hi @jules


I would perhaps ask that the IELTS be remarked. A friend who has now received his visa grant allegedly got too low a score the first time so did it again. He was told it was too low the second time but he requested for it to be remarked (he's a teacher and has very good English language skills). After being remarked it went up two whole points levels!


He's now even thinking that he should have had the first remarked! Worth a try maybe? Good luck though! :-)

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Hi wrussell, what did you do then? I thought they needed to be certified? I haven't checked the website yet as Seppo suggested, I'm watching the closing ceremony of the commonwealth games and watching the video of the Gold Coast...I can't wait to be there!



As far as I read when I was doing my application, as long as the documents are colour scanned and not black and white, they can be uploaded to immi without certification. Any black/white copies need to be certified. I colour scanned all of ours and uploaded them which saved us from having to pay someone to certify them. We opted against a migration agent and frontloaded everything as colour scans on 28th April... still playing the waiting game though!

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Hi Jules, the document checklist for 189 is here:



Go to visa applicants tab and then scroll down to document check list. Read thorougly.

I have lodged my visa application for 189 myself. Currently I am waiting for the result.

But I must tell you I have read the entire DIBP site concerning 189 visa. All pdfs.


You can definitely apply on your own.But you need to give attention to detail.,


I can post a rough list of the documents I have uploaded to e-visa system to give you some idea:


1. Diploma

2. Transcript

3. IELTS result (mine & wife's)

4. Passport Bio pages (mine & wife's)

5. International Marriage Certificate

6. Work reference documents

7. Skills Assesment Result

8. Police Clearance


Good Luck

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Hi emwatson, MaggieMay24 & sethra,


Thank you so much for your further comments. Sorry I haven't been in touch sooner but I've been working, now off for a few days. I'm studying for my next IELTS instalment! This time in going for the general so fingers crossed. But I will take onboard what you said emwatson re having it remarked if I'm close.


Jules x

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