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Secondary Education - Grammar School Equivalents to UK

North to South

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This may seem a daft question, but please bear with me.


I'm concerned about my daughters ongoing education when we move over to Australia later this year. Our intention if we stayed in the UK was for her to sit the 11+ next year and then hopefully secure a place at a grammar school rather than going down the private route.


I'm interested to understand if there are the equivalent of grammar schools in Australia and what the process is for enrolment into them - Is it the same as the UK?



All help would be most welcome.


Thanks, Rich

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I can only speak for WA. There is the state system and the private system. The state system has a few schools that run gifted and talented programmes and Perth has a fully selective academic school which is entry by exam only. State schools are entry by catchment area.

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ACT has one secondary G&T program. Sydney and Melbourne both have a few selective HS but competition is fierce especially from Asian Tiger Mothers who engage their kids in huge cramming activities to get them through the competitive exams. Otherwise state schools, or private schools. Private generally perform better in state wide yr 12 assessments but that's what you pay $10-20k pa for.

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Might get more information if you let people know what state you are heading for. Many parent go the private route here as the fees are not to bad unless you want the equivalent of something Like Eton. There are many very good state schools as well, but as has been said you need to be in the catchment, and that creats its own problems as both rental homes and homes to purchase are somewhat more expencive due to being in the catchment for a good school.

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There are a few selective state schools in Melbourne- University High, Mac Robertsons etc. Otherwise you are looking at private schools. One of our daughters went to Presbyterian Ladies College which was a very high standard and in many ways a very, "British" style education in the old way. The place reminded me very strongly of my grammar school in London in the 1960s except it was a lot richer- fees were enormous so they had everything, including a large indoor pool. You have to do your homework here because some schools are pretty dire, wouldn't send a dog there but you have to dig a bit to find the 'problem' schools. They all claim excellence.

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The best private schools over here are C of E, Lutheran and Uniting Church schools. There are few independent schools with no affiliation to any church, but you need to be careful to check them out carefully. Also remember the really good schools often have a waiting list, so you may have to go state school until a place comes up.

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