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What's Next with NBNCo?


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What's happening with NBNCo. is ti another broken promise from $29 billion to $38 billion. Does the coalition know anything about the contract before the election? Does the government underestimating people in rural and regional areas?


What's your update regarding NBN service in your area? Let's talk about it.

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It still on the go Baz however purple zone on their map is on the move to disconnect copper cable services. FTTN has stalled and even the FTTB will resume on 2015. They're now focusing building satellite station in SA, NSW, Tas, WA and QLD...

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Hi guys, I found this interesting maybe you want to watch how Senate Select Committee bashes NBNco.


Guys watch Bill Morrow, CEO of NBNCo and Greg Adock discuss NBNCo with Senate Select Committee LIVE. I find it interesting and how they get the figures that was posted on their site..http://webcast.aph.gov.au/livebroadcasting/asx1/hms109v_100K.asx Pls delete thread if link is not allowed thanks..

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The proper NBN is dead in many places I think....just a mish mash pretend NBN remaining from my brief look...


Which will need updating in the not too distant future so total costs much higher.


Shame politicians have to be so short sighted to help them get elected again. Maybe dictatorship is better?

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Which will need updating in the not too distant future so total costs much higher.


Shame politicians have to be so short sighted to help them get elected again. Maybe dictatorship is better?


at least in a dictatorship you know you don't have a choice,

I'm yet to see a true democracy, they get in do as they please and aren't accountable if they don't follow up on election promises.


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at least in a dictatorship you know you don't have a choice,

I'm yet to see a true democracy, they get in do as they please and aren't accountable if they don't follow up on election promises.



Why can't they just create online polls for every major decision and just have a few IT guys run the show?


Maybe someone else for foreign poliocy stuff

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After the hearing with NBNCo and Senate Select Committee. NBNCo pointed out 3 major priorites.

Three major priorities:

1. Completing the rollout as soon as possible;

2. Achieving a minimum level of service;

3. Doing this at a minimum cost.


I hope we get all of those 3 instead of being lucky to get one out of three, if that happens I think there's a problem about the approach of Abbot to future technology.

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All depends of what minimum level of service you are after Alex. In my opinion the cost for the NBN with Fibre to the premises was way too much, now the government have said we aren't as well of as we thought we were and the budget is in crisis (I don't believe things are as bad as they say btw) do we really need to spend as much, or indeed, can we afford to spend as much when a fibre to the node solution for a lot less would give a decent solution?


I've seen all the posts saying it will need upgrading again and it's going to be slow. What do people really use the internet for? Do we need a super fast connection to update out facebook page, check twitter, download a movie or two? People want a fast connection because they think that's what they deserve and go on about what country has and doesn't have one. Is a faster internet connection going to mean it improves your lifestyle?


If it does I think it's a sorry state of affairs and you need to find something interesting to do that doesn't require a fast internet connection. Fibre to the node and ADSL2 should be plenty fast enough for 99.9% of people.

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Yeah but who knew streaming video would be possible on an internet connection a while ago? If we only go by today's technology we will be forever playing catch up.

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Yeah but who knew streaming video would be possible on an internet connection a while ago? If we only go by today's technology we will be forever playing catch up.


There's a perfectly good medium for sending voice and pictures without using the internet though. TV has been round for years. Do you really need to stream video? It's only an added extra nice to have, not necessarily a reason to spend billions just for another choice to watch a few documentaries or films.


Fibre to the node would still be plenty fast enough to stream too.


Has to be a balance between what is necessary to spend to give people a reasonably fast connection and then spending extra millions for the extra MB/s. Technology moves at a rapid pace and in a couple of years who knows, it might cost billions less to finish off the fibre to the premises that may or may not be needed. Wireless technology might have improved so much that there will be no need for any connection other than wireless.


How many people bough a plasma TV for 8 grand that was predicted to last about 4 years when they first came out? You would be feeling mightily peed off now.

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Good point Paul1Perth.. FTTP should be for businesses only. For me, I'm good with ADSL2+ as long it serves what I need. Most of the time people now tend to use their mobile for the internet connection and most of the time everyone is at work or in school.

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