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Feeling lonely in need of buddies

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I suspect it's a lot about having a shared context - No problem making British friends here or in the UK - and have many friendships that have endured nearly half a century (including my two close friends from primary school). It's only natural to want to be friends with people that you have grown up with/been to uni with/ had young kids around the same time etc... I have one lovely Aussie acquaintance who I meet for lunch sometimes but she works a 7 day week. I have found that people will readily make time if there is some business advantage but there is little time for just hanging around, listening to music, conversation, going for a walk. A number of people on this forum have raised this as an issue so to point the finger and blame the individual is rarely helpful or accurate. On the plus side, the Aussies I have met have been very generous and are more than happy to offer practical help (like offer to drive you to the airport - and no I would never ask someone but people offer) but I suspect they feel that hanging out and chilling is a waste of time.


I know a number say that regarding shared context but I suspect it is something more than that. In fact some Aussies will admit to the difficulty once lived abroad. As a generalization a lot do tend to be more outgoing abroad, something I have personally witnessed on more than a few occasions. I don't go on the time thing to any large degree. Other places this doesn't factor at least in cities so unsure why it should be such a feature here.


I agree though conversing is not a strong point and little discussion appears to take place outside of the formalities and of course the gossip. Of course there are exceptions like everything but thinner on the ground than other places I can think off. This obviously goes un noticed or of little importance to a large number while remains a thorn for others.


There is always the retreat to bridge or something akin where attention remains focused on the subject at hand and how. Fully agree folk can be helpful but hardly unique in that. Just a little sad the communication issue seems an ever ongoing issue for many.

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi Tracey,

When I migrated I thought it best to try integrate with Ozzies and not search out poms. Now I am sure that was the wrong decision for me. Poms understand you, know your difficulties and can be very good friends in your new country. Seek them out. meetup.com is a good start. We are orphans in this country - find other people like yourself :)


I have been here nearly 4 years am retired and am wanting to find good friends but have plenty passing "Hello" people, but when invite any Brits to have a tea or coffee sometime, never get a call. Trouble is, the expats have already formed their close friends and as we don,t drink, this is a drinking culture, so it makes it difficult to fit in.

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Its ok to feel fed up ,homesick and hate work.Moving to a new country is a bereavement of family ,friends and comfort zone.It will take time to settle and your husband not having a job is not helping.Get any job find an Irish pub and get chatting its who you know over here....as for social groups not always easy you will hear a lot of bloody poms over here taking our jobs....dead right mate.


Starting off in a place you enjoyed as a holiday is very different as now you know.If you have family in Sydney maybe moving there will help but please give it a chance.


I had 3 teens who hated it for 4 yrs all were going home ,they have been home came back still here 11 yrs on....but some do go home make a list of why you came then a list of the positives over time the positives get bigger.


We know many over the yrs who try different states till they find one that says were home.Each state is different .Hang on and join us any time for a moan. You can do it....

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  • 4 months later...

]What about facebook groups? There are some for the Gold Coast and ive met heaps of people, theres bound to be one for near where you are?


Hi Nic 1171 sorry I am v late to this conversation but I noticed you said you were in the gold coast and met lots of folk. I am due to make the big move at end of April, husband went out to start work on Thursday. I am a bit stressed at home - selling house, car etc but cant wait to get out there. Am a bit worried about meeting new friends. I'm 41 and husband and I don't have kids so wont have a ready made access to other adults! What groups are you a member of and did you find it ok meeting new people? Advice on gold coast social stuff. Not adverse to hanging out in a pub or two but looking for other stuff too.

Many thanks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hi guys That works forlocals a s well ............ Your a fair way away i live in Recliffe, just moved here from western Australia. we are a couple mid 60s interested in making new friends, what do you think .............james and wendy

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  • 4 months later...

Ok I am an ex nurse moved 30 times with my husbands job.

Been in Sydney 12 yrs now 3 kids grown up making a life for themselves in the city.

For my husband it was a works transfer so he has just gone from one lab to another.He loves life here I was teaching in Sydney but due to my MS I have had to retire citizenship ceremony done last week would I go home yes no questions asked.

Everyone is different I do not find Australians are friendly more American as for coming over for a cuppa good luck.

It is different here very much a social group meeting for coffee or for a meal but Australians do not do homestyle entertaining.


I can only say from my experiance what its like in Sydney area we stay for my husbands job and the grandchildren 3 sons here 1 son and grandchild in Manchester.There is no easy way to live here it is never going to be like home its Australia.Please try and give it a go sometimes it dose work.Sometime the problumes you had back home are the same you have here! I have known people go home and appraise how lucky they are in the UK and some who come back again .Some here 45 yrs and return to the UK on retirement enjoying summer visits but their heart belongs back in the UK .Met many expats usually one likes it more than the other?

Happy to chat anytime maybe you will feel better with the summer coming...

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