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Wellington Point Schools


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Hey everyone

We are moving to Wellington point permanently late Sep 2014, we have been trying to enrol our girls at Mary Mackillop Primary but the wait list for lower school means we probably won't have a place when we move.

We have been living in Canberra for 3 years, originally from the uk.

The school doesn't necessarily have to be catholic, we would like some opinions of the surrounding state schools, particularly Welly Point and Birkdale if possible.

Thank you in advance.

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Hey everyone

We are moving to Wellington point permanently late Sep 2014, we have been trying to enrol our girls at Mary Mackillop Primary but the wait list for lower school means we probably won't have a place when we move.

We have been living in Canberra for 3 years, originally from the uk.

The school doesn't necessarily have to be catholic, we would like some opinions of the surrounding state schools, particularly Welly Point and Birkdale if possible.

Thank you in advance.


This is the Bayside area east of Brisbane folks. Sorry I can not help with the schools, but good luck with your move.

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We tried for Mary Mackillop when we moved here last year, and it was full then too. Can't comment on the Birkdale schools (even though we now live in Birkdale...lol) but we did have a tour of Wellington Point primary. It seemed an okay school, but we didn't get the 'vibe' we wanted when looking around. We have friends whose children attend there, and they are more than happy with the school.

We got the 'vibe' we were looking for at Ormiston State School and even though we were out of catchment they had spaces. So this is where my elder son attends, he loves it there, and we are more than happy with the progress he's made.

There are some really good private schools around here too. Although cannot comment on space availability.


We have been here nearly 12 months so if you have any other questions, ask away, I will try to help.

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Thank you for the advice, how do you find getting to the school in the morning? A friend of mine also recommended that one but it's a long walk or cycle ride from where our house will be. Which high school do you think you will go for? We would hope to be able to afford private by the time they reach high school level but we shall just have to see about that one, we thought we would go for Welly Point High, have you visited that school at all?

Also on a more personal note how have you found life settling into Birkdale, is it everything you'd hoped for?:wink:

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We drive, and to be honest, it's not too busy for traffic. From where we live, it's near enough one road all the way to school. Where abouts will your house be?

We haven't looked at any state high schools. The private schools around here, and there are quite a few, seem reasonably priced. There are a couple that were definitely out of the price range though.

We had a look around Redlands College when we were on hols here 2 years ago, and my boys both loved the place, so we applied for both boys when we arrived permanently.

Our youngest is now in Yr1 there and absolutely loves it, and our eldest will start there in Yr7 in 2016. I like that they are then both in one school til the end, no worrying about choosing high schools etc.


If you want, I can send u a list of the private schools in the area and approx. distance from Welly Point.


We lived in Wellington Point for our first 7 months with relatives, moved the 2km to Birkdale in April. We are settling into life here just fine. People are really friendly. I like that we are on a train line, so we can get to the city easily and there are plenty of local clubs for the boy's to join in with. Lots of parks dotted about. Shopping centres near by.

Not too far from the Gold Coast for a day out.


We love it.... :wink:

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Glad to hear you have settled in well and that the children are all happy. Redlands college is probably the closest private school and one we are considering for high school as we will be near Nelson Rd although the house won't be complete until next year so we will need to find a temporary rental initially.

I would love to be able to afford the private schools now, but it's too risky before I secure a new job, I want to take a little time out to help the girls get settled into their new life. My eldest is in year 6 and the youngest is also in year 1.

It's good to hear that everyone is so welcoming, we have been there a couple of times now so are quite familiar with the area (and the local chippy lol), we just haven't had the opportunity to tour the schools as yet so it's good to get some recommendations then I have an idea what I am walking into.

Thank you again for taking the time to respond :smile:

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello Wellypoint

Hows everything going ?O

Our son is in Mary Mackillop and not that impressed ! Don't get me wrong its a lovely community friendly school but academically not that high . He came from a private school on the sunny coast and there is a big difference ... (also im sure there was a waiting list when we applied to mary maccas but we got in straight away in the middle of a term )

We love Redlands College but again a waiting list ... I think with aussie schools you get what you pay for !

( though just to contradict myself ... heard only good things about Ormiston state school !)

( on the plus side to mary maccas you have Carmel College as a sister school so most kids go there for senior school )

P.S Chumley Warners chippy is here ! cant eat aussie fish and chips ever again!

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Hi Alexkate3

All is going well thanks, really looking forward to the move now and not long to go. That's really interesting to know. What year is your son in? We didn't have a problem finding a place for our eldest, it was just the lower schol that was full our youngest will be going into Year 1.

Ha ha yes already had those chips, another reason we can't wait to move !!

Carmel College, that's in Thornlands right?

How have you found life on the Bayside?

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Hello to all above!


I've been a school teacher and worked at Birkdale state, Birkdale South and Ormiston state.


I can certainly suggest Birkdale south State school. I left teaching a couple of months ago but have worked there over a year and from Prep to Year 7 I was involved in all teaching classes and felt it was a wonderful place to educate any child.


I don't have children myself so I'm in that odd group but would love a coffee with you ladies if you fancy a brew and a natter

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I've heard nothing but good things about Welly Point Stare School. I only live 5 minutes away do can certainly vouch for that!


Start of the school year is third or fourth week in January?


Hope that helps you!


When you arrive, drop me a note and there will be a coffee with your name on it!

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Thanks KipHarris, they'll be starting school in term 4, 7th October, we were hoping to hear some good things about welly point ss as it is the closest to where we will be building a house.


Looking forward to a hot drink and a chat, although after another big move, may require something stronger ha ha

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Say no more my friend, the bar is open so something stronger it is!


You are moving to a cracking spot, rather swish if I say myself. Moving the kids in term four is a good idea as they can make some friends over the long summer break.


Moving is hard, stressful and unfamiliar!


Weve just into our stride and its been 7 years!


At least you know a friendly face will be waiting (that's me)


Keep in touch!



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Hello again !

Our son is now in yr3 so I guess that year wasn't full!

What school is your eldest going to ?

We have found it ok living here though we do miss the beaches of the sunny coast and its a lot quieter up there . Rentals are more expensive down here too ! We do however enjoy going into the city for a change , southbank is only 30 mins away and the gold coast is nearer for the theme parks etc .... both have + and - !

We went to wello on sat and it was busy but so beautiful ( tried to send you a photo but couldn't work it out!!)

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Can I ask how Christian Redlands College is? We are looking at Private Education for our son and I have tended to steer away from any that seems too religious when looking, as he is atheist.


I wasn't sure how keen somewhere like that would be for a child who does not necessarily believe in God!!

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Can I ask how Christian Redlands College is? We are looking at Private Education for our son and I have tended to steer away from any that seems too religious when looking, as he is atheist.


I wasn't sure how keen somewhere like that would be for a child who does not necessarily believe in God!!



Can't vouch for the accuracy but here are some opinions I found on how conservative fundamentalist christian they are from ex students:



"Long time lurker here, just joined up so I could post a reply. I went to both schools (although it was quite a few years ago...). Redlands is very, very religious. The Bible was taught to us as the literal truth, including creationism. Sex ed (in high school) was done separately for the girls and boys. Girls were told the best contraception is an aspirin - you put it between your legs and keep it there. Like most schools, there was a lot of variation amongst teachers. Some were great, some were pretty awful. There was religion taught throughout many of the subjects and some teachers required that students pray at the end of class. There was not much acceptance of differences between people and families who weren't regular church goers were looked down on. After Redlands I loved Ormiston wink.gif"




"I went to Redlands. A friend of mine who was seeking some help from one of the deans for mental health issues was advised that she wasn't in need of medical assistance, she just needed to pray to Jesus more.

Sex ed was abstinence only.

I don't remember about the evolution angle, but it is a VERY religious school. The kind of school where the kids make jokes about "Dancing leads to sex" and are only half joking.


Which as an atheist at the school I always found funny that they held barn dances, with their multiple partners...


The education in terms of curriculum I received was fine, but the religious aspects have done lasting harm to more than a few of my friends."



(See: http://www.essentialkids.com.au/forums/index.php?/topic/1048111-ormiston-college-redlands-college-qld-any-experiences/)

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Can I ask how Christian Redlands College is? We are looking at Private Education for our son and I have tended to steer away from any that seems too religious when looking, as he is atheist.


I wasn't sure how keen somewhere like that would be for a child who does not necessarily believe in God!!




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Thanks guys - it's safe to say that we won't be contacting them! I have no problem with what anyone thinks or believes, but it doesn't sound like the type of school my son would enjoy, seeing that he is coming from a non-religious background and upbringing.

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Hmmm, sounds scary. I must say Tina0101, we arent a religious family at all but our girls have been attending Catholic school in Canberra and love it, this was why I hoped we could get into Mary Mac, for us it's more about finding somewhere that teaches good values, good priciples and respect.

I would say visit the schools and gage your own opion as I have heard very positive things about Redland. The feedback I have had in general from here and people living in the area hasn't been bad about any of the schools private or state. People will generally recommend the school in which their childrn attend, but only you know what's best for your kids.

Hey again Alexkate, at the moment we are thinking Well Point SS for both with a view to Redlands or ormiston college for high school, but we have yet to visit so we will finalise when we hit Wellyland lol. You never know a space may free up at Mary Mac in between then and now, stranger things have happened. :rolleyes:

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  • 3 weeks later...
Hi kipHarris


Thank you for the info, do you know anything about Wellington Point State School?

Meeting up or a brew and a natter would be great, we are movng late September. :jiggy:


Although it is almost 10years ago now, our daughter went to Wellington Point State School and she loved it there, we were very happy with it.

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lovely to hear from you. What date do you get here? I will brew us up a pot of coffee!


I'm actually a primary school teacher (not sure if I've already said) and I live in the next spot to Wello Point. This is called Ormiston if you want to look it up on goggle maps.


Ive lived here with my husband (I am 40 and he is 42) for 7 years and in that time, I've worked at the local schools, both public and private.


Whilst I've not worked at Wello Point Stare, this is a great school with a fantastic reputation. I've heard nothing but good things.

Ive been slowly working in one school at a time until I find the perfect fit for me (please note I'm also a private tutor and work from home a couple of nights a week) so Cleveland is next on my list and then it is Wellington Point Stare School.


The last 18 months Ive been working in Birkdale state and enjoyed that but I always like to focus on one school at a time (as I don't want too much work really) I moved out here for a much better work/life balance.


I realise that my answer to your question is a bit long winded but from talking to all teachers, I've never heard a bad word said about the school you are considering.


Hope that helps!


I realise you are coming out in September; a lovely time of year.

Where are you staying at first?

Are you planning on working and if so, what do you do?

How old are your children?


I only ask these questions as I will try to give you some help and kip tips of making it easier for you!


Would you like to have a coffee with me?

make me a list of questions; from how to find a dentist, dentist, Medicare card and driving license and I will help you all I can.


I only wish I'd found this site "before" we left as it would have made all the difference to have a friendly face waiting for me in the other side. I will be that friendly face for you if you like!


My email is kip.harris@hotmail.co.uk


I struggle a bit with this sight so I find email much easier. I can also attach a photo fir you do you can assess if I'm normal (only have two heads so I don't think I look too out of place)





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