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Wine barrels


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Has anyone planted up wine barrels? I'm in a rental and fed up of not having a veggie garden since moving in November.

I've ordered 6 half wine barrels. I'm planning on using one as a little water garden and planting the rest up. At least a couple will have trees in and then herbs or strawberries around the bottoms.


Just wondering if anyone else had planted up wine barrels and had any tips. Once they are filled they are pretty much stuck there, so anything anyone else wishes they had done differently would be great to hear.


Thanks. :-)

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Guest Guest40285

@blossom79, I grew a Navel Orange and a Tahitian Lime in half wine barrels, some of the best citrus ever, Being a nurserywoman you would know about the potting mix and fertiliser eh, I had mine up on a few old brick pavers so they drained well and didn't get wet feet, landlord asked me to leave them there, they looked great and were really good growing containers, such a good idea for vegies too, good luck and happy days.

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We have two half wine barrels.



Before they were filled I screwed three metal castors on the bottom of each one. They sit a few mm off the ground and cannot be seen. It enables me to move them wherever I wish.



I drilled a few 12mm holes in the bottom and covered them with a few square inches of wire mesh, an inch of gravel, half full of spare garden soil then a few bags of potting mix.



The oh has something inedible in one and I had a dwarf orange in the other for 3 years.



No matter that I lavished it with citrus care, it did virtually nothing.



A few new leaves and one tiny fruit.



I ripped it out and added spinach seeds about a month ago.



Its in the winter sun at the moment, as it gets hotter I plan to move it under the shade of the pergola so it doesn't go to seed too early.






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Bunnings, they were about 4 inches high and had 4 screws each. They were metal wheels rather than plastic though, so greater weight carrying capacity.


It may get expensive with 6 barrels but worth it to move them where you wish.


I painted them to match the paint of the pergola.

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We have two half wine barrels.



Before they were filled I screwed three metal castors on the bottom of each one. They sit a few mm off the ground and cannot be seen. It enables me to move them wherever I wish.



I drilled a few 12mm holes in the bottom and covered them with a few square inches of wire mesh, an inch of gravel, half full of spare garden soil then a few bags of potting mix.



The oh has something inedible in one and I had a dwarf orange in the other for 3 years.



No matter that I lavished it with citrus care, it did virtually nothing.



A few new leaves and one tiny fruit.



I ripped it out and added spinach seeds about a month ago.



Its in the winter sun at the moment, as it gets hotter I plan to move it under the shade of the pergola so it doesn't go to seed too early.






Fabulous..I really should do more....fresh spinach..yummy. I need to have a look at my herb garden, mint seems to be dying off which is strange, thyme has never got off the ground, oregano growing well but likes it dry? Basil did well this year not sure what to do now its flowering?

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Guest Guest66881

I don't know loads of uses for them.




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Fabulous..I really should do more....fresh spinach..yummy. I need to have a look at my herb garden, mint seems to be dying off which is strange, thyme has never got off the ground, oregano growing well but likes it dry? Basil did well this year not sure what to do now its flowering?


I love basil and coriander, both go which are absolute shits to grow from seed.


I buy punnets of them and keep trimming leaves until they die off or bolt. I then rip them out and buy new seedlings.


Thyme is very, very slow growing. Give it time, a bit of seaweed solution, a bit of water and even more time...........


Sage and Rosemary growing bonkers.


Bay tree seems happy in its pot.


Cut the bottom inch off spring onions from the supermarket (keep the roots too). Put into soil. Water. Cut off at ground level whenever you wish. They then grow again. I have spring onions I planted 3 years ago that keep regrowing, I keep cutting them off and back they come.


Aldi potatoes good to chit and chuck into clay or poor soil to break it up. Don't use Coles or woollies as they spray them and they won't chit. I don't like using the old tyres, they were never made to be filled with soil, so who knows what heavy chemicals are leached into your spuds from them.

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