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Moving Back to UK half way through Year 10


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Hey guys, I will be moving back to UK about half way through Australian year 10 (aged 16 as of May) and around the end of what I'm assuming is UK year 11. The problem with this is I will miss GCSE's and I have been told that you need them to finish school and to continue into Sixth Form, etc. Does anyone have any more information on this and know what may end up happening with me and my eudcation?

Thank you in advance - Ryan.

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Thanks for the reply wattsy1982. I would also like to add that I am not moving until 2015 and therefore am not that age/year yet. I would also like to toss in that I may possibly be going earlier in the year, possibly as early as March or February. I get high marks and good reports at my current school and wonder if that would help and count towards anything. I'm also wondering whether I would be able to come into year 11 and do the GCSE's if I did move earlier in the year i.e. March. Thanks!

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I've never had a kid join Year 11 in my years working with admissions. Purely because you will have missed out on too much work from year 10.


Contact schools in the area you are going to and explain your situation. Get copies of your school reports and, if possible, I would recommend getting the details of what you have been taught during the year. It may be possible that a Sixth Form will take you on, or a college.


Good Luck

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I've never had a kid join Year 11 in my years working with admissions. Purely because you will have missed out on too much work from year 10.


Contact schools in the area you are going to and explain your situation. Get copies of your school reports and, if possible, I would recommend getting the details of what you have been taught during the year. It may be possible that a Sixth Form will take you on, or a college.


Good Luck


We are looking at our daughter repeating year 9 when we ho back.

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I think you can get credits for work you've done overseas, but you'd need to check with your education authority. Based on that, you may find schools to take you on for A levels, or sixth form in FE colleges.


My middle daughter had to move school (within the UK) at the end of year 10. Every exam board was different and she dropped one subject completely because the syllabus was so different she would have struggled to adapt. She used that 'free period' each week to 'catch up' on bits from other subjects she hadn't covered at her old school. She had to do English Lang after school once a week because her old school had done lit in year 10 and her new one in year 11. Maths was very different - she had been doing a linear course and had to move to taking modules which meant she had to take these all within the first few months at the school.

It was doable, but she really had to be focused and work hard, and that was moving from one UK school to another. I think coming from Australia it would be harder and not a good idea to just take year 11 simply because you won't have covered the curriculum.

Starting from A levels would actually be easier, especially if you choose your subjects carefully (there are subjects which everyone will be starting for the first time in year 12), and there are btecs which are another alternative.

If I were you I'd start getting in touch with schools and colleges and see what their advice is. They are all used to students arriving from overseas and should be able to point you in the right direction.

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thanks for the replies guys! I've got one more question within a question to ask and thought I should ask her before making a new post. There is a possibility that I could be moving back at the end of 2014 or beginning of 2015, which would mean I only get to finish Year 9 in Australia (at the age of 15. 16 in 2015). Now, I'm aware I would then miss the first term of UK school but if I had enough credits from my work over in Australia, would it be possible to pop in to UK year 11 or something then and do the GCSE's? or if not what would I do for the 7 odd months that are left in the UK school year?

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I agree, contact the Local Education Authority for when you are moving to. You need to also bear in mind that if you are looking to go into a school that is not private, they may be at capacity and unable to take you.

If you start inquiring now, you can start getting a good idea of your options and hopefully make it all less stressful.

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Hi Ryan,

It's a shame that you are having to move at a crucial time of your education and exams. May I ask what is driving the move at this particular time in your life? Is there any option to delay it until you have finished school in Oz? It all sounds rather complicated to me and is a lot for you to have to consider at your age (I don't mean to be patronising). Is this something that you want or is it being driven by someone else?

Best wishes,


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