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Well after 9 years of applying for jobs in Oz with no success, I have landed myself a interview via skype!! Looking for company sponsorship


I'm well chuffed but want this job so bad, any tips people? I have never used skype before let alone interviewed on it!!


Also job doesnt state salary, any thoughts on kind of income I would need to live well in Sydney? There is myself, wife and 5 year old daughter, we earn reasonably well in uk(£65000 between us) and have a good life 4 bedroomed detached house, would be looking for same sort of standard out there


Any help would be great guys

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Same sort of standard then you are looking at a salary of at least $150,000 and with that estimate I'm probably wrong. You might get someone say $180,000 plus.


4 bed detached house and you have to have a pool will set you back on rental $800 a week (yes a week) depending on where you can get a rental. (OK you don't have to have a pool. That's a luxury).


To buy depends on what visa you get.


I'm sure an expert who lives in Sydney and been through what you are about to will be along shortly.


Good luck.

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The biggest difficulty for you from your user name is you live in Crewe and you are looking at buying in Sydney... What you can buy in Crewe is not going to compare to what you can buy in Sydney. Its like comparing what your UK salary will buy in Bradford as opposed to central London!!!

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I would suggest reading up on what's required for a 457 visa from both your and the company's perspective. Lots of Australian businesses are completely ignorant of the system and it helps if you can alleviate any fears they have regarding the sponsorship.


For the 457 they will have to pay you a market rate of salary set either by a comparable worker in the company or external sources (salary surveys, job adverts, government statistics etc). Those will give you an indication of the salary you can expect.

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I've just secured a job via telephone interview. What a great way to interview for a job - late at night, pj's on, no make up, all my notes spread around me. Was great. Good luck, hope it goes well for you



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Thanks for all the replys gives me things to think about


the $5k education is that a year? ? Do all schools charge the same??


A visa expert told me I might have to pay for education on a 457 visa didn't say how much though!

Yes, government schools charge $5k per child per annum. You might get it a little bit cheaper in a Catholic school, if you are very lucky.

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Also you probably already know with a family the 457 is a tad more risky if things go south, there are no guarantees absolutely none.


Although if you love the thrill of a good gamble on your future then it should be OK.


That's an important point to consider! If you treat it like a short term adventure and don't burn any bridges - take a career break, don't sell your home etc you should be safe enough.

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