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One big dilemma


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Ok where do I Start I have One Big Dilemma on my hands.



ill bring you guys up to date ! I have permeant residency my fiancé of 10 yrs doesn't. His to old for holiday visa 34 so I would need to sponsor him.



Over the yrs we have done months apart due to work and personal commitments.

3.5 yrs ago I came back from being in oz after being back there for 6 months, me wanting to stay loving life and work, giving us great options for the future. but my partner wanted me to come back to the uk, With us making a promise to each other that we would give my partners business ago here for 3 yrs if it didn't work out and if things couldn't give us a better quality of life, we was to return and give our future a good go out there with the intention of getting our citizenship.



Over 18 months ago I brought the subject up about filling in his visa, in order for it to be proceeds in time for when we wanted to return! If that's what what we decided. To say the least I have brought the subject up many re times but he never took it any further. (Well not further enough to get it on the dotted line as to speak)

At times I could shake him as I know myself these things don't happen over night. :arghh: But I came to the conclusion you can't lead a horse to water.



Then came my fear that I have to face facts that he officiously doesn't want to go back as much as I do.

Even though I'd feared this I suppose I'd hoped he want want to go back as much as me, and see what potential we have over there compared to what lifestyle can give us here. I do understand this but I just wanted him to be honest, as I feel we was just treading water. But No still telling me he wants to go back but will sort it.



Well give an take 12 months has scarily passed and this is when I said I was going to return as I don't want to let my visa expire as I know how lucky I am to have it, plus why should I wait when I wanted to get the ball rolling last yr.(without being mean )So am looking at returning shortly . Even though I have been open and honest and said all along if you don't pull your finger out, we will be put in the position where I'll be going alone, as it will take up to nine months to process if your lucky.





Now he has changed his mind and can see the benefits Australia can give us and feels it's the right time to go back and it's to good a opportunity to pass.









What to do ??????? Panic


his wanting to fill in his partner visa here and wait for the nine-12 months off shore.



I'm thinking chance it and apply onshore . I would be going July, he would then come out either way aug to visit for 3 wks and see if his lucky enough to be excepted.



Has as anyone else done this!

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Don't quite see what your dilemma is here. He's applying for the visa which is what you wanted and it's going to take 9 months. If you need to be back to stop your visa expiring, then go and he will follow when he gets his visa. If you can hang on until his visa arrives then you can do that. In some ways applying offshore is more "honest" because otherwise he is going to have to basically lie about his intentions if he enters on a tourist visa intending to stay and runs the risk of being turned away if they think he is anything other than a tourist. If he waits then he is going to be able to stay at work and save rather than having to sit and twiddle his thumbs for the best part of the year being unable to work. Or are you afraid he doesn't really want to go but has been browbeaten into it and won't follow? Anything's possible of course.

I'm always in favour of doing things the "right" way - much less stress!

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