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Defacto visa subclass 820. New! Appreciate help!


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Hello everyone,

I had browsed this forum a lot to gather information and I thought considering how helpful everyone is I would ask for some advice on my upcoming visa application.



I am considering applying for a defacto visa (820) and I am honestly terrified that I don't have the proof required.



I met my partner in June 2013 in London (where I am from, him being on a WHV from aus) we officially got together in July 2013 and were together in London until September 2013 (his visa expired), we then stayed as a couple while I was still in London and him in australia until December 2013, to which I moved over here on a WHV and have been living with him since my arrival in December.

(I wouldn't be submitting my application until August).

My questions are that while by the time I submit my application we would have been together a year, due to him living with a parent and me moving in I don't have any joint financial proof as I pay his mother money weekly for rent and that is all.

We have joint travel proof, social proof beyond belief, declarations from friends, family, citizens of both Australia and the UK, who can verify our relationship.

It's hard to get roots such as joint renting etc as my position in the country isn't certain to start acting on our future plans.

Will this go against me or if explained be acceptable?



I would appreciate any help as this is playing on my mind!

Thank you!

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We were in a similar situation. We were living with my parents for a year prior to applying. What we did was pay my parents a small amount each week. At the time we didn't have a joint account so he would transfer the money to me and I'd pay my parents. We then had them write a stat dec explaining:


1. That they were allowing us to live rent free but supply money for groceries because we are saving for a house

2. Details of the house - that we have our own room and bathroom

3. That they whiteness us cook a few times a week, go out for dinner and sometimes order take away at home

4. A little but about our daily routine, that he drops me off at the train station each morning for work and picks me up again


we printed out 12 months of bank statements (we didn't have a joint account, but I'd highly reccomend getting one as it's easy to do and holds a lot of weight). We highlighted all the money transfers between our accounts and money we spent on joint purchases eg I purchased ambulance membership for us so highlighted that and then supplied the letter which states we have joint membership. He also helped pay rego on the car and for new tyres and we had proof of transfer of funds for that with an invoice made out to us both - so stuff like that.


Examples of some other things we supplied:


- Flybuys joint membership, cinema joint membership

- each other listed on our super as benefitiories

- each other listed at the dr as next of kin

- my partner as next of kin at my work

- he's on my car insurance

- I have a will with him a the sole benefitiory (he didn't have a will as we are both very young and it's just me with a small amount) I drafted this myself.

- we had a letter from an estate confirming we were both looking at land to buy together


Plus the social evidence we had (lots - flight itinerary, christmas cards from friends and family to us, London Olympics tickets with our names, wedding and engagement invites x3, Facebook relationship etc)


because we lived with my parents and had no joint account we basically tried to provide as much other evidence as possible in other areas to prove our commitment.


i personally don't feel that you should say you havnt done much because your position in the country isn't certain - there is LOTS you can do without putting down roots. They want to see that you are trying to set up a life together with your partner.

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  • 3 months later...

Hi there,


I just have an inquiry regarding your joint cinema and flyby memberships.


I am currently just getting ours organized however I can't seem to find a cinema of which I can apply to for joint names? Which cinema did you apply for a membership?


With the flyby memberships and super beneficiaries, what particular document did you provide as proof?


I hope you can help with this, thanks.

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Your problem, as far as I can see it, is the discontinuity between September and December. Normally to qualify as a defacto you have to have lived together continuously for 12 months. In some states, you can register a defacto relationship to bypass the 12 month requirement but Victoria is not one of those states. One of the agents who posts on here (wrussell) keeps saying that you don't have to have been together continuously for 12 months to qualify, but I am not sure how he would present such a case. I guess he wouldn't want to advertise it too much as this knowledge is his livelihood. But you might want to contact and agent for a view.

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De facto applicants mus have been in a de facto relationship for at least 12 months at the date of visa application, unless special conditions apply. Periods of separation must be explained. Recent court judgments require that some period of cohabitation has taken place.

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Hi there,


I just have an inquiry regarding your joint cinema and flyby memberships.


I am currently just getting ours organized however I can't seem to find a cinema of which I can apply to for joint names? Which cinema did you apply for a membership?


With the flyby memberships and super beneficiaries, what particular document did you provide as proof?


I hope you can help with this, thanks.


This is an old post guys, the poster advised they were applying in august, that's been and gone.


merrwatson to answer your questions. I sighed up with a cinema called "Reading" cinemas, this was over a year ago so memberships may have changed. But there are lots of other joint memberships you can get e.g cheap ambulance cover.


my superannuation had a statement that showed my partner listed as the beneficiary - I could also log in online and see he was listed there. But I just supplied my quarterly statement that had him down. Re fly buys again I logged in online and it showed my partner and I as cardholders. I just did screenshots basically.

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