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plan to move here and stay with family who are already residents


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Hey guys, im jay from manchester UK, planning on moving to Perth WA to live with my dads side of the family until i find a job in my career.

Im a qualified car paint sprayer but in england, its so hard to find work expecially not having tons of experience because people dont wanna give you a chance and im struggling getting my foot in the door.


Im looking for painter positions but im happy to find any jobs for the time being just to settle into the country and find my feet etc.


Can anyone suggest any sites i can go on and look for Painter jobs or any type of jobs to start with?


Hope to speak to you all soon and i'd really appriciate your help! :)



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You might struggle to get a visa that is going to give you more than a couple of years at most - you need to check out the visa situation to see what you may be eligible for but chances are it won't be a permanent move for you - the WHV is a one year working holiday visa with a possibility of extension if you do a period of regional work.

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A tourist visa will alllow you to visit and stay for up to 3 months but you cannot work. Travel Agents can give you the form or apply online.. You could do that and see if you like it and then if you do, apply for a 2 year working visa - granted to UK citizens under 30 I think. After the first year, you need to work 3 months on a farm, not consecutive to qualify for the 2nd year. Good luck. I did it in 1989 and never looked back

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A tourist visa will alllow you to visit and stay for up to 3 months but you cannot work. Travel Agents can give you the form or apply online.. You could do that and see if you like it and then if you do, apply for a 2 year working visa - granted to UK citizens under 30 I think. After the first year, you need to work 3 months on a farm, not consecutive to qualify for the 2nd year. Good luck. I did it in 1989 and never looked back


Just to say not all these details are correct. You would need to do 3 months regional work during the 1 year WHV. Only once you have fulfilled this criteria can you then apply for a second year. There is no such thing as a 2 year WHV.

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Also you cannot work for any one employer for more than 6 months while on a WHV which can limit your employment options but as others have said, it's not as simple as just moving over and staying. You need to qualify for a permanent visa which unfortunately by the information you have given I doubt you would. You will need to check the SOL and CSOL to see if you would qualify and meet all the criteria

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