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Skilled migration - risks if I don't apply this time!


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I am currently in Oz on a WHV, due to go home to the UK 13th July.

my occupation is highly likely to be taken off the SOL (veterinarian)- the new SOL is announced 1st July 2014.

I have a partner in the UK and we want to come out together in 6 years.

My worry is if I don't sort my permanent residency now and vets get taken off the SOL we won't be able to get out here...

If I apply now I have to spend two of the next 5 years here then I can apply for permanent from what I understand.


Obviously it's going to mean 2 years away from my partner but has anyone done this and added the partner on to the residency as a de facto later? Is it easy to achieve? I could come out here alone again just for enough time to keep my visa going if this is the case.

Thanks any ideas or help appreciated


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Firstly I don't know how you can possibly know what changes will be made to the SOL in the future. Some occupations have been flagged in that way for years and years but remain on the list.


I don't know what you mean by apply now then live here for two years so you can "apply for permanent". Unless you are meaning to apply for the provisional 489 visa perhaps? I guess that visa works a little bit as you describe, but others do not. If you apply for skilled migration you are a permanent resident straight away. If you apply for an employer sponsored visa then you are probably on a temporary visa but you still will be in two or three or ten years and there is no automatic pathway to a permanent visa.


Why don't you just wait until July and see what happens with the list, I doubt you could get an application in before then anyway.

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Sorry I wasn't very clear- I meant get a skilled migrant application before 1st July to get permanent residency before vets are taken off the SOL. (Spending two of five years here to get my resident return visa to keep my visa active).

We can't live out here properly for another six years as my partner is tied to the uk till ten.

The statistics the Australian Veterinary Association have submitted to AWPA show how unemployed vets are on the rise with the number of vets schools out here having risen from 4 to 7. It's quite convincing when I read it even though I know there are practice biting my hand off to work for them because all the new unemployed vets want jobs in the big cities only. Hopefully vets stay on the SOL but I wish there was some sort of warning! If not I will just have to find another way into the country in a few years!




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If you are planning on not coming for 6 years, then I don't see the point of applying now. You may not get a RRV in the circumstances you describe.

Also, the rules for a RRV are likely to be very different by then and your lives will be very different by then. Six years is a long time and a lot can happen in that time.

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I actually agree with the OP's thinking. Veterinarian is an occupation that has already been removed from the SOL once before (IIRC, it's only been back on for a couple of years) and that, taken together with the info from the AVA and the fact that it's flagged, makes me think that there's at least a real possibility for it to be removed again. Much better a bird in the hand IMO.


If it were me, I'd be trying to get a permanent visa now rather than holding my breath waiting for the new SOL to be announced. I'd also be including the partner as a secondary applicant - they'll need to come for a visit to activate their visa, but if the OP can stay for 2 years so that she (?) can get a 5 year RRV, the partner should also be able to get at least a 3 month RRV when they want to make the permanent move.

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Thanks for your advice everyone.

I will have a think. I will be gutted if it's taken off and I can't get back in the country!


Does anyone now if the RRV requirements change often?


we have an added complication that my partner cannot yet be added as my de facto as we have not yet loved together so I'd have to try to add her at a later date!

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Considering all this evidence, it is highly probably that Australia is experiencing the early stages of a significant oversupply of suitably qualified and registrable veterinarians.

The Australian Veterinary Association (AVA) recommends that veterinarians be removed from the SOL.



Please provide any other information you consider relevant evidence to support


your submission


(for example, you may know of some independent studies about your occupation that


supports your advice to us).


The AVA is currently conducting a comprehensive survey of current and future needs for veterinary services in Australia.


However, the existing data provided above underlines the high likelihood of an expanding oversupply of Australian graduate veterinarians over the coming decade.


Therefore the Australian Veterinary Association requests that veterinarianis removed from the Skilled Occupations List for 2013.

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Your reading is correct. They requested for it to be removed for 2013 but it was left on the list. There is just no way of knowing for 2014. If you already have your experience / qualification validated by VETASSESS? then you could apply for an EOI now. You would then receive an invite which lasts 60 days and you could then claim it for your VISA if the job falls off for 2014. If it stays on then you could let the EOI expire. Of course, if you have not yet been through VETASSESS (or similar) then you cannot do anything in time for the new SOL in July anyway.

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