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I emigrated to Australia in 1966 on assisted passage and lived there for 3 years and also had a child whilst i was there and she now lives in Brisbane but was

bought up in England she has in the last seven years returned to see where she was born and consequently has settled there now.I want to return there on a RRV

but there seems a lot of obstacles to get there.

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The visa rules were different when you had your visa, I suggest you contact a reputable agent to see what you best path may be to return to Australia. Some of the older visas may not require an RRV to return others may be more complicated. You need to contact a good agent ASAP. :)

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We got our RRV after 24 years so there is always hope and if your daughter is living there then there might be the chance. Try to build up a list of compelling and compassionate reasons as to why you did not return in that time and why you should now be allowed to return

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We got our RRV after 24 years so there is always hope and if your daughter is living there then there might be the chance. Try to build up a list of compelling and compassionate reasons as to why you did not return in that time and why you should now be allowed to return


Thank you for your reply it gives me more hope of getting RRV:biggrin:

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