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Here we go!!!!!!!!

Mrs Keeneyboy

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So at last our time has finally come as we head to Heathrow for an overnight stay before flying via Mauritius for some R&R tomorrow and then on to Perth next weekend. As many of you already know our plans were pushed back by 3 weekls when my mother in law passed away very suddenly just st a few days before we were due to fly. To use the cliche 'it's been a roller coaster' just about covers it! A terriible thing to happen as we were the ones to find her. We have now laid her to rest and feel we have to try to move on. It does feel a little bitter sweet but overall we are excited to have finally reached this point after so much planning over the past few years. Se more sad farewells to my best friends yesterday after a fantastic farewell drinks party in London on Thurs eve. Nothing can really prepare you for the overwhelming emotion that you face when seeing all the people that you care about and them caring for you, altogether under one roof and wishing you well. Truly humbled and blessed to have such great friends. Looking forward to meeting all those new friends that will come into my life in Oz.......will update soon! Mrs K x

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Big hugs, I know you've not had the easiest time recently. Have safe flight/flights, enjoy your time in Mauritius and I hope you settle quickly in Perth. I'll see you out there, one day (I keep telling myself patience is a good quality, I think I'm pretty good at it now lol).

Please let us know how you get on, and lots if pictures will be good too. :-D

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