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AIM Assessment for Senior managers Skilled Migration


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Hello Guys,


I'm writing to see if any one had gone through assessment of AIM ( Australian Institute of management) ? If yes I need some information on below stuff



  • 1) My current company might not give me experience letter as I am already working here , what do I do ?





  • 2) Companies I used to work 10 years ago entire management has changed & last when I checked with a company I used to work the HR manager said she do not have any records about me as the ownership has been transferred to new investors, I don't want to be in a situation the assessment body to think I'm not genuine just because the guy answering call is new & has no Idea who i am and what I used to do





  • 3) I finished my MBA 2.5 years ago but still have a senior level management experience for more than 3 years which is the requirement, would this need to be 3 years after my MBA ?






  • 4) I have done an executive MBA with out any bachelors as I had enough management experience after high school at the time of enrollment will this be a problem ?



I know there are quite a few questions out here but really appreciate your answers even if you know for 1 of these questions i will really help , If you wonder what is the visa I am applying for it is visa subclass 187 regional sponsered migration for Procurement Manager - 133612


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The AIM skills assessment is very, very difficult to pass. Are you sure you are at the right level of management for it? I am struggling that somebody could be at the right tlevel of management and yet be worried that nobody would have heard of you if immigration ring up. I think if you cannot prove your level of management then this is a lost cause to be honest.


What is / was your position in the management hierarchy?

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The AIM skills assessment is very, very difficult to pass. Are you sure you are at the right level of management for it? I am struggling that somebody could be at the right tlevel of management and yet be worried that nobody would have heard of you if immigration ring up. I think if you cannot prove your level of management then this is a lost cause to be honest.


What is / was your position in the management hierarchy?


Hi Rupert / blossom ,,

Thx for msg, yes I meet the criteria of being in senior management position with 3 supervisors reporting to me who has management profiles,,, Im not worried about current place I am more worried about the old places I worked 5 years ago where most of them are new & I don't expect to know me..


I am reporting to the GM directly on procurement front in a company with 300 staff , as i am from Dubai more over the company HR departments are not as friendly / approachable as it might me in other parts of the world & people change jobs very fast here



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