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Any insight into Offshore Family Sponsored 176 Priority 5?


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Look at the allocation table. It shows January 2008 which is pretty much the cut off date for their retroactive changes to immigration program. Applications in our category after that have been on this seemingly endless hold.


The prioritizing in processing applications came into effect in 1st January 2009. So, when I applied in May 2008 they were still processing the old way, based on the application date order. In September 2008 the financial crisis hit the world, so I guess their rapid change of legislation was because of that.

I remember that in April 2008 they were processing some applications from November 2007, so they were only a few months behind. After that, everything stood still.

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well, what with this and that going on, and onshores getting cleared, i was hoping that offshore would finally start this year.. but all these rumors mentioned here makes me feel quite negative now.. m in australia as a student and being an international student m already paying lots of fees to the uni here, and i don't have a choice of applying another category until i graduate next year.. so i reckon for me, its waiting till next year, and if this seems aloof still, applying in the new 190 category.. since i have to wait till then anyway, still hoping for good news on 176..

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Hey Folks,


We applied for 176 back in May 2008. After the first 6-12 months of expecting news 'any minute now' we eventually decided to just get on with life and stop living in limbo. Since then we check periodically but like many others here there has never been any change/updates. Can anyone please let me know when the last FS 176 visas where successfully completed and if there are any updates as to when May 08 applicants might get an update? Thansk All.

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Did you check the online status? I check today and I find that there are more information shown on the IMMI website. 1 My famaliy member (PR of AU) is showen as person 3.2 My visit visa information is added to onlne status.Are the IMMI changing their system in order to review all the 176?I have a long time waiting since Sep 2008, I hope all the things will go better.

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Hi Christine,


When did you check the online status last time? I havn't checked it for a long long time. Maybe it just changed long long ago. But I think I consider that IMMI change it currently in order to keep the hope.


What do you think?


Wish all the 176 applications the best result.

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Hi Jacky,


I wouldn't get my hopes up so high. As westwood wizard says, we offshore cat5 FS are at the bottom of their processing list. I think person 3 has been there for some time, can't remember since when though.


They were quick enough to change my passport details as I have uploaded my new passport details by submitting form 929 but I still do not see my 2 sons details being added as person 4 and person 5 although I emailed them Form1022 Change of Circumstances at the same time as my Form 929. There were no email from them informing me my passport details have been changed. It was only when I tried to check my application status online using my old passport number, it says a mismatched with my TRN. When I tried my new passport number, I am able to log in.


I do not know how long it takes for them to verify an addition of child/children to current 176I application. Perhaps someone who have done so could provide some info?

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Did you check the online status? I check today and I find that there are more information shown on the IMMI website. 1 My famaliy member (PR of AU) is showen as person 3.2 My visit visa information is added to onlne status.Are the IMMI changing their system in order to review all the 176?I have a long time waiting since Sep 2008, I hope all the things will go better.




Which system did you check?

I check the system here, but there is nothing new- https://www.ecom.immi.gov.au/inquiry/query/query.do?action=eVisa

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Hey Folks,


We applied for 176 back in May 2008. After the first 6-12 months of expecting news 'any minute now' we eventually decided to just get on with life and stop living in limbo. Since then we check periodically but like many others here there has never been any change/updates. Can anyone please let me know when the last FS 176 visas where successfully completed and if there are any updates as to when May 08 applicants might get an update? Thansk All.


We applied for Family Sponsored 176 in June 2008 and were asked for police checks & medicals in early 2009. As we had to get police checks from Dubai this delayed the process and then DIAC changed the rules and our application was put on hold. In late 2010 we were asked to redo medicals & UK police check and were finally issued FS 176 PR visa in December 2010.


We did use an agent, so not sure if that helped.

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Hi Christine,


I am planning to have a baby in the nearly future, so maybe I will submit form 1022 to IMMI at that time. I am also disappointed with the long waiting, but I just think it as a possitive way.

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well, what with this and that going on, and onshores getting cleared, i was hoping that offshore would finally start this year.. but all these rumors mentioned here makes me feel quite negative now.. m in australia as a student and being an international student m already paying lots of fees to the uni here, and i don't have a choice of applying another category until i graduate next year.. so i reckon for me, its waiting till next year, and if this seems aloof still, applying in the new 190 category.. since i have to wait till then anyway, still hoping for good news on 176..


Well going in as a student is the easiest way even for me but it is also very expensive hence my family decided we would just wait it out because there is only so much money we are going to throw at this.


Won't you be able to keep hanging on in Australia after graduation through a bridging visa or on a work visa (I assume you can find work as a computer engineer).

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Hi Jacky,


I wouldn't get my hopes up so high. As westwood wizard says, we offshore cat5 FS are at the bottom of their processing list. I think person 3 has been there for some time, can't remember since when though.


They were quick enough to change my passport details as I have uploaded my new passport details by submitting form 929 but I still do not see my 2 sons details being added as person 4 and person 5 although I emailed them Form1022 Change of Circumstances at the same time as my Form 929. There were no email from them informing me my passport details have been changed. It was only when I tried to check my application status online using my old passport number, it says a mismatched with my TRN. When I tried my new passport number, I am able to log in.


I do not know how long it takes for them to verify an addition of child/children to current 176I application. Perhaps someone who have done so could provide some info?


The primary reason I started this thread is because way too may people on the various forums discussing Australia immigration lumped all Priority 5 applications together as one common topic but the reality of the situation according to DIBP processing rules is that there are priorities within the priorities. So, people in the 176 FS offshore category are at rock bottom with 176 FS onshore and 176 SS taking precedence. We will only get processed if the Immigration Minister makes an affirmative decision to clear out the old backlog that got screwed by changes in the rules that were retroactively applied.


With the newer and more expensive immigration process in place, clearing out the backlog will not materially impact Australian society in terms of being flooded by new immigrants. Also, even if they cleared the old backlog out and approved every single application, it is not as though every applicant and their family will be in Australia the next day. Circumstances will have changed for many applicants during the last five years such as having kids, kids getting older and more settled, good jobs, etc. Many applicants will have to think twice about giving up a good paying job and incurring the high cost of moving. The rest may come but those numbers will be staggered over a couple of years.


DIBP will probably not even end up processing every application because some applicants may just indicate even after being allocated a Case Officer that they are no longer interested so I believe they have and are being illogically over cautious about processing the 176 FS offshore applications.

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We applied for Family Sponsored 176 in June 2008 and were asked for police checks & medicals in early 2009. As we had to get police checks from Dubai this delayed the process and then DIAC changed the rules and our application was put on hold. In late 2010 we were asked to redo medicals & UK police check and were finally issued FS 176 PR visa in December 2010.


We did use an agent, so not sure if that helped.


Your case it's not the same with ours, which are still waiting after 6 years. And it had nothing to do with having an agent or not. I would say it was a pure luck having applied for the right occupation which was still on SOL. When your case was allocated this was the priority list in force:

Cat 1 - employer sponsored;

Cat 2 - State sponsored and on the SMP

Cat 3 - applications on SOL, schedule 3;

Cat 4 - all others


So, my guess is you were on cat 3, because I was cat. 4 and I'm still waiting, even thou I applied the month before you.

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Hey Folks,


We applied for 176 back in May 2008. After the first 6-12 months of expecting news 'any minute now' we eventually decided to just get on with life and stop living in limbo. Since then we check periodically but like many others here there has never been any change/updates. Can anyone please let me know when the last FS 176 visas where successfully completed and if there are any updates as to when May 08 applicants might get an update? Thansk All.


I am also May 2008 applicant and still around, waiting. I've never heard any successful story about 176 FS applicants in cat. 5 group. Hopefully, I will hear yours and you will be hearing mine. :)

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Category 3, schedule 3 - is it referring to occupation in demand? I remember there was another list of occupations in demand back then but it is not the same as SOL list. My nominated occupation was on the SOL but not on the other list.


When I applied, I actually had enough points to go for 175 but I went for 176 instead thinking that having a sponsor would be added advantage. I did not use an agent and by the time they emailed me in July 2012 (I believe we got the same email), my occupation has already been dropped from the SOL list. I didn't consider looking for a State sponsor at that time because I just had a baby and a move just wasn't on my cards yet with another toddler in tow.


Now, with things a bit settled, I am reconsidering my plans and looking at other options and the only option I have now is going for state sponsorship. I do hope that all 176FS will finally get processed after such a long wait. It is just not fair to keep us hoping for so long.

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Category 3, schedule 3 - is it referring to occupation in demand? I remember there was another list of occupations in demand back then but it is not the same as SOL list. My nominated occupation was on the SOL but not on the other list.


If I remember well there was a critical skill list (CSL) as the first radical change during 2009, but after that I don't remember, because each time I was on the last possible scenario. My occupation was removed from SOL in July 2010.

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Well going in as a student is the easiest way even for me but it is also very expensive hence my family decided we would just wait it out because there is only so much money we are going to throw at this.


Won't you be able to keep hanging on in Australia after graduation through a bridging visa or on a work visa (I assume you can find work as a computer engineer).


Yep its definitely a bit expensive. But was my only choice. I had done a tafe diploma only back in 2008 and applied using that (thats why I was only eligible for offshore so I left aus and applied from home country). But I couldn't wait longer. I had to complete my bachelor degree so I came. Working hard atm to earn as much fees! And yes if 176 doesn't come till end of my course next year, I'll apply for 190 coz after my bachelor I'll be eligible. Anyway lets hope good news comes my way before that.

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  • 2 weeks later...


My agent has confirmed by ringing up Qld office that I can no longer change 176fs to 176ss. I will be lodging a new 190 application.


I thought that was the case. I read that 176ss was done away some time ago. I am contemplating 189 but the total cost will exceed USD 10,000. Plus, I need to take the IELTS and get my qualifications assessed.


What does your agent have to say about our specific situation of offshore 176fs Priority5? No insight into likelihood of clearing out this backlog?

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