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UK Police checks


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i am a PR but we are applying for my daughters PR as she was born in the Uk (long story so won't bore you) anyway applied for police checks & I get an email back saying 'you said no to being arrested etc but our records show) now my police trace in 2011 came back no trace so how can that change within 3 years when since 2012 I've been in oz (apart from when I had my daughter) the only dealings I've ever had was in 2005 when I had a car accident & I was breathalysed (it was 0 btw)


anyone had this happen to them? I've emailed them back to say no I haven't & detailed the dates I've been in oz.


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I've been complaining about my UK police check a lot. They are USELESS!!!

It's been nearly 3 months and I still haven't received my certificate and they are about to send the 3rd IF I pay more... They said it must keep getting lost in the post...

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I emailed them back as soon as they sent me that email & I've heard nothing since & seeing as they've been pretty good with emailing even ringing me if they wanted further info, am assuming all is ok but I'll call them when the clocks hit a sensible hour over in the uk

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