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PANIC!!!! Oz Partner Visa in process, husband applying for UK citizenship clash???


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Hi everyone, just to explain a little, I am British and my husband is Australian but he has resided in the UK for 22 years and has PR here. We have been married for 4 years and have 2 children, both born in the UK. We are emigrating to Oz and we are awaiting my Partner Visa grant. We have recently had a panic as we discovered that once my husband has left the UK for longer than 2 years he loses his PR. We are giving Oz a 'try' as I may not settle, you just never know how you will get on until you're there so I want to be assured that we can return to the UK easily if needs be! He can apply for a Resident Return Visa which from what I've read isn't always guaranteed, plus Visa criteria changes over time so wouldn't want to risk that, then there's the UK Spouse Visa but this relies on me earning a certain amount to be able to even sponsor him, currently I am a full time mum and I don't work this will no doubt change but again, it's not an easy option. So, we have decided that he should apply for UK Citizenship, he has every right to it after 22yrs here and it would be daft for him not to get it. My question is will they find out about my Partner Visa application if he applies for UK Citizenship and if so will it stop him getting his Citizenship if they catch wind that we are emigrating? I'm guessing it will affect it but wonder of they can find out we have applied if not? Thanks so much! We are stressing!!:arghh::arghh::arghh::arghh:

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I don't know the answer I'm afraid, although I suspect you have nothing to worry about. I did want to say though that I understand how you feel and where you are coming from. My Australian other half only got citizenship after 12 years in the UK because we were thinking about moving to Australia. I don't think we applied for my partner visa before he applied for citizenship though. I certainly think it's a good idea for him to get citizenship as it will help to keep the options open for you. I don't see why you applying for a visa for Australia should impact on his citizenship application at all, but someone else may know something more definitive.

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You have no need to worry. Your husband qualifies for UK citizenship in his own right and his/your future plans are immaterial. I would guess that many people who are long term PR and apply for citizenship do so because they are intending to emigrate.

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Wouldn't panic - his citizenship is about him, not you. Sensible move though, many have fallen into the trap of assuming they could return, then finding they can't!

Thank you all for the positive vibes, I'm really hoping it is just based on him! I'm not sure if they start questioning your intentions to continue to reside in the UK etc, I don't know the process apart from the Life in the UK test which is going to take some serious revision! I hardly knew the answers!! Unbelievably hard!!

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Thank you all for the positive vibes, I'm really hoping it is just based on him!

It is. We know that for sure - it's not just a hunch. So stop worrying :)

I'm not sure if they start questioning your intentions to continue to reside in the UK etc,

They won't. It is irrelevant. You qualify for citizenship through past and present residence, not future residence

I don't know the process apart from the Life in the UK test which is going to take some serious revision! I hardly knew the answers!! Unbelievably hard!!

Easier, though, if you have just read the booklet. Some of the questions look like they are designed to be hard to make the test look credible whilst making sure there are 75% of easy questions. Broadly, it looks to me like a test of English language skills rather than deep knowledge.

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It is. We know that for sure - it's not just a hunch. So stop worrying :)


They won't. It is irrelevant. You qualify for citizenship through past and present residence, not future residence


Easier, though, if you have just read the booklet. Some of the questions look like they are designed to be hard to make the test look credible whilst making sure there are 75% of easy questions. Broadly, it looks to me like a test of English language skills rather than deep knowledge.

Thank you SO much! This has made me relax! Thanks for the advice about the book, we will get in it and get revising! Luckily my hubby is a clever clogs unlike me! :biglaugh:

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