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Do you need fly screens in Hobart

Pam W

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Hi everyone.

I'm moving from Perth in Wa to Hobart at the end of the year. I have been scouring the real estate and have two questions.

1. Do you have fly screens on houses in Hobart? I havnt noticed them and wondered if there is a fly problem like Wa.

2. Any recommendations for suburbs.

many thanks


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I have them on my house in Hobart...but not everyone does.


I haven't lived in WA so can't speak from personal experience but, from comments I've read, the problem seems to be much worse over there. Flies are usually a summer phenomenon here...I think I saw (or rather, heard :rolleyes:) my first blowfly around Christmas time this summer. Very rarely see any flies during winter....I think they just die off. And I can't think of once this summer when I've been outside and been annoyed by flies.


However it may be different if you live near farmland with animals...they do seem to attract flies more.


Re recommendations for suburbs: well, that depends on your criteria. Are you looking for inner city, suburbia, or small acreage, proximity to shopping centres, proximity to beach...or bush, is commuting time a consideration (if you will be working and know the location), are good schools/children's activities important? Plus anything else you consider important or would ideally like.

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  • 4 weeks later...

We live in a rural/bush area of South Tas in the Derwent Valley, & the first items we purchased for our then 15-yr old Bush Home was a complete set of fly screens & screen doors! My partner came home one warm day around New Year's to find me trying to cook dinner in 34+ degree heat the place swarming with flies - it was honestly like something out of the Amityville Horror... March we had the screens all in & fitted & our home has the typical huge glass slidy windows, one patio slidy door & 2 other doors & I think it came in well under 2-grand... To be fair compared to other places I've lived, UK (North - far SW), Great Lakes area of USA, areas I've stayed in like Scotland, Canada & Spain flying bugs are not a major annoyance as they are there - although this year European wasp populations seem to have exploded - don't know why - & I know a Copperhead resides just outside my bedroom window - so although many suburban homes are not fitted with fly screens, it's probably cos folk don't bother to open their windows & live on re-circulated air! We like fresh air & appreciate wild things have a right to a life too, so to keep them out, & us relatively safe from biting, flying bugs, as well as creeping, deadly snakes investing in flyscreens was well-worth it for us... And I honestly don't understand why they are not common additions, esp for rural homes in England :) Good Luck & PS: Don't believe the stats that say it never gets hot in Tas, we've had loads of 100F+ days since we've been here...

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In Hobart I haven't really noticed it as much of an issue, I don't have any screens on my house. A number of friends do have them but they are only required for a short period during the year and more so in rural areas.


If you are looking to rent in the Hobart area I would recommend Sandy Bay and West Hobart

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Many thanks to Skani,wheresdbeef,Herbster and starlight 7 for your replies,all really helpful. I hope to have moved across from Wa by December so looking forward immensely .



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