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Please help? Building Associate code 312112


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Hi everyone, can anyone pleeeease give us some advice???


My husband and I are looking to move to Perth asap. My occupation is currently on the CSOL list and we have submitted my skills assessment which should be complete by end of May. However, ideally we would like for my husband to be the main visa applicant but we are struggling to find him an ANZSCO code.

From the VETASSESS and DIBP websites, the best code to describe him is 312112 (Building Associate) as the main tasks and responsibilities apply to his work experience and qualifications but only in Scaffolding as his specific trade.


Can anyone tell us if this is still enough to get a sponsor or a skills assessment or does he have to be experienced/qualified in ALL aspects of the construction/building industry in order to qualify for this code??? He has over 12 years experience working on construction sites but primarily as a Scaffolder and Scaffolding Supervisor.


Any advice HUGELY appreciated! :rolleyes:

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It does not matter who is the main applicant, you both get the same visa with the same rights. The main applicant should be whichever one of you meets the criteria more easily. If you slot neatly into an occupation code but your OH does not, then you probably are the best applicant. You mention your job is on the CSOL, are any states sponsoring that occupation? What about for your husband, would he require state sponsorship too?


Don't let things like who will start work first or who you want to be the main breadwinner come into this. As I say, whichever one of you can meet the criteria most easily should be the main applicant.

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It does not matter who is the main applicant, you both get the same visa with the same rights. The main applicant should be whichever one of you meets the criteria more easily. If you slot neatly into an occupation code but your OH does not, then you probably are the best applicant. You mention your job is on the CSOL, are any states sponsoring that occupation? What about for your husband, would he require state sponsorship too?


Don't let things like who will start work first or who you want to be the main breadwinner come into this. As I say, whichever one of you can meet the criteria most easily should be the main applicant.



Thank you for your help! The main reason for wanting my husband to be the main visa applicant is because, as such, one is obligated to work full time for their sponsor for two years. As we have three small children, I would have preferred to work part time initially in order to get them settled and avoid some expensive child care costs!

I wouldn't jeopardise our changes of obtaining a visa by pigeonholing my husbands criteria into a code that doesn't fit but was hoping that he could have a code in order to double our chances of getting a sponsor.

As a project and program administrator, I'm unconvinced about the likelihood of getting a sponsor for myself? Has anyone got any advice or tips?!?

The main stumbling block is that we want to move to Perth but my skills aren't in demand in WA - Only in SA! Unless I can find an employer sponsor in Perth, we may have to move to SA for the first two years but this would mean uprooting the children again!

Definitely all in a muddle and losing all hope...!!! :(

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Thank you for your help! The main reason for wanting my husband to be the main visa applicant is because, as such, one is obligated to work full time for their sponsor for two years. As we have three small children, I would have preferred to work part time initially in order to get them settled and avoid some expensive child care costs!

I wouldn't jeopardise our changes of obtaining a visa by pigeonholing my husbands criteria into a code that doesn't fit but was hoping that he could have a code in order to double our chances of getting a sponsor.

As a project and program administrator, I'm unconvinced about the likelihood of getting a sponsor for myself? Has anyone got any advice or tips?!?

The main stumbling block is that we want to move to Perth but my skills aren't in demand in WA - Only in SA! Unless I can find an employer sponsor in Perth, we may have to move to SA for the first two years but this would mean uprooting the children again!

Definitely all in a muddle and losing all hope...!!! :(


Well either you are confused or I am!


I didn't realise that your husband had an employer sponsor, are you saying that your husband has found a job and willing sponsor? In which case why have you done a skills assessment?


I am afraid I really do not understand your strategy here. Can you explain what you are trying to achieve, which visa are you applying for?

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I agree with rupert. If your husband has a employer to sponsor him then why have you done a skills assessment? What job title have they offered him?

If you get state sponsored pr under your occupation then you don't need to work at all, ever. He can still be the bread winner.

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Morning!! Apologies for the confusion I seem to have caused! Neither of us have a sponsor or a visa - I posted this thread hoping someone could advise me on an anzsco code for my husband! Also looking for advice on how to get a sponsor because my occupation is on the CSOL so have applied for a skills assessment for myself.


My understanding is that the visa I can apply for depends on whether the sponsor is willing to sponsor you for a 186 or 457?! But I still have to find a sponsor first!!!

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I agree with rupert. If your husband has a employer to sponsor him then why have you done a skills assessment? What job title have they offered him?

If you get state sponsored pr under your occupation then you don't need to work at all, ever. He can still be the bread winner.


I thought you weren't able to apply for a 189 or 190 if your occupation is not on the SOL??? Mine is only on the CSOL!!

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For which classes/subclasses of visa do you propose to apply?


I would like to apply for a 186 ENS which will give us PR but another option would be the 457!! Don't think I'd be entitled to another visa type as they're restricted if your occupation only appears on the CSOL!

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I thought you weren't able to apply for a 189 or 190 if your occupation is not on the SOL??? Mine is only on the CSOL!!

You can apply for a state sponsored visa as long as your can get sponsorship by a state you want to live in. Your chances of that are far better than your chances of finding a sponsor from overseas.

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You can apply for a state sponsored visa as long as your can get sponsorship by a state you want to live in. Your chances of that are far better than your chances of finding a sponsor from overseas.


The only region where my skills are in demand is SA but we want to live in Perth - making state sponsorship impossible! :(

We will possibly have to look at moving to SA temporarily as a Plan B if I can't get an employer to sponsor me in WA! Is there a certain way I should go about seeking a sponsor?!

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To get a company sponsorship it is simply a matter of applying for jobs. Look at seek.com.au


However, if your occupation is not on the state list, then it is a fair chance there is not a lot of demand for that occupation and there are enough local candidates to fill the roles.

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I thought you weren't able to apply for a 189 or 190 if your occupation is not on the SOL??? Mine is only on the CSOL!!


You are getting yourself in a muddle here, if you are planning to do this without a migration agent, you really need to stop and read about the different types of visas. Your statement above is not true, no. You cannot apply for a 189 if the occupation is not on the SOL, but for a 190 the CSOL is enough, so long as you can find a state sponsor.


I assumed you knew this that was why you were doing a skills assessment. I am rather baffled as to why you were doing a skills assessment for yourself otherwise ... on the off chance that you would find an employer sponsor ... when you don't even want to work?


Stop. Take some time to read about the different visas, decide upon a strategy and take it from there.

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You are getting yourself in a muddle here, if you are planning to do this without a migration agent, you really need to stop and read about the different types of visas. Your statement above is not true, no. You cannot apply for a 189 if the occupation is not on the SOL, but for a 190 the CSOL is enough, so long as you can find a state sponsor.


I assumed you knew this that was why you were doing a skills assessment. I am rather baffled as to why you were doing a skills assessment for yourself otherwise ... on the off chance that you would find an employer sponsor ... when you don't even want to work?


Stop. Take some time to read about the different visas, decide upon a strategy and take it from there.


Thank you Rupert but I've done months of research on visas etc - perhaps that is why I'm in a muddle, with all the various options and subsequent restrictions!

I know I'm not entitled to a 189. We can't apply for a 190 for Perth as my skills aren't in demand in WA and the same applies to a 187. I'm therefore only entitled to a 186 or a 457 if we want to live and work in Perth, and for that I need an employer sponsor. I have applied for a skills assessment because we know my occupation has a code on the list which means I'll probably have to be the visa holder. The whole point of my initial query was to try and find an appropriate code for my husband for the reasons I gave earlier, I.e. we would have preferred him to be the visa holder. I don't mind working but would have preferred part time for the childrens' sake.

Generally speaking, I'm trying to establish whether the ANZSCO code for Building Associate (which gives a generic description) would be suitable seeing as my husband does all the specified tasks and responsibilities but SPECIFICALLY for Scaffolding in a supervisory role. So I'm not looking for a scaffolding code because he's no longer on the tools. There are many elements to 'construction/building' - scaffolding being one part of the jigsaw. In essence, it falls under the same remit as Building Associate but not in its entirety. That is why I'm unsure if it is a highly relevant enough field!

I apologise if I've confused or frustrated you - just looking for some clarity among the muddy waters!!

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