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Australia's Minimum Wage

Guest The Pom Queen

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Guest The Pom Queen

Do you think it should be lifted.




Australia’s largest union body has called for minimum wages to be raised in Australia. But industry groups argue this will cost jobs. Source: News Limited

AUSTRALIA’S 1.5 million workers on the minimum wage would receive an extra $27 per week under a proposal by the nation’s largest union body to increase their pay.



However the size of the pay rise is being bitterly disputed by employers, who say an extra $8.50 per week is a more appropriate rate.



The Australian Chamber of Commerce and Industry, in a submission to the Fair Work Commission to be released today, will argue that Australia already has one of the highest minimum wages in the world.



ACCI, which represents more than 300,000 Australian businesses, says below trend economic growth and weak *labour market conditions justify a lower rise. They say a weekly increase of $8.50 will minimise job losses.



“Imposing unreasonable minimum wage hikes will results in job losses and fewer job opportunities for the most vulnerable and low paid workers,’’ ACCI chief operating officer John Osborn said.



“The sad reality is that often one person’s wage rise costs another person their job.’’



However the Australian Council of Trade Unions is pushing for a weekly rise of $27, arguing the minimum wage only represents 43.3 per cent of average full-time wages – compared with 60 per cent two decades ago.



They say the low minimum wage is making home ownership impossible for workers such as cleaners, retail and hospitality staff, child care workers, labourers and factory workers.



The minimum wage currently sits at $622.20 per week after a $15.80 increase in 2013 and a $17.10 increase in 2012.



Do you agree with increasing the minimum wage in Australia?

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I love pay rise but also understand it will cost us in future as well ...

My restaurant charge quite high but still owner insists "it is still cheap!" even the portion size of main dish is like a entree...

If we get payrise, price of dishes are going to be high, then customers never come back because of "oh it rip off!!" :S ... then we loose a job... :(


... don't know it is the reason, but I haven't got pay rise for the last four years tho...

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It shouldn't be the lowest earners that take the brunt of any pay freeze. While Australia does have one of the world's highest minimum wages, by gosh we need it. The cost of living is enormous. Perhaps a touch of deflation bringing down prices and wages overall? It wouldn't happen. We all need to live. A vicious cycle has been formed that will be hard to put back. But there will come a time when new economic directions must be sought.

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The rich should find the minimum wage increase... direct rather than via governmental tax dodge because they can afford the spin dotor fund managers. Its a feudal system now... still is... until its truly abolished

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If you don't pay people enough to live, who will empty your garbage, drive your ambulances, cut your hair, deliver your groceries, care for your elderly relatives etc etc etc


Immigrants. 457's. Backpackers. A host of folk would work for less. Remember Australia is in a part of the world where labour is cheap. Smaller houses. Shared rooms. Shared (time share) beds. A host of options that would entice the corporate sector to foam at the mouth.

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