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On the brink of the largest war since 1945

Guest The Pom Queen

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in the 30s hitler marched into Sudetenland to protect the german speaking population .....nothing was done , so he became emboldened ...does this sound familiar ?


Crimea was given to the Ukraine in 1954 by former soviet leader kruschev .....now they are taking it back .......

The fact that the U.S barks and no one listens anymore , may encourage Putin to go further .....as long as he doesn't try it on with the Baltic states or Poland ...they are part of NATO .


Difference being and it is a big one, is that Ukraine was part of the brotherly brethren within the Soviet Union. It was not nor could be imagined that at some later date the USSR would not exist and Ukraine would have its own independence.

Putin wouldn't try it on with Poland and in my opinion is toying with the west to show them what he is capable off meanwhile a sigh of relief is breathed when nothing happens and Russia gets off with minor infringements for their Crimean intervention.

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So do I, its nothing to do with us. We are always getting involved when we should just stay out.


Well UK/USA shouldn't have guaranteed certain rights together with a weakened Russia, back in 94 then. Ukraine subsequently got rid of their nuclear might. If in possession today it may well have made Russia think twice. No I think Ukraine can well feel hard done by on those terms.

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You can be pretty sure where the USA and UK go, Australia won't be far behind.


We are allies, and neutrality is not always a defence, particularly when the enemy is a dictator.


I don't know how it would affect Australia if there was another major war. I sometimes wonder if this is how it felt in 1914 or 1939.

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In 1954 it was not given to ukrain. It was just assigned to be part of one state over another whithin one country- ussr. And it was done during times when the entire communist party believed that ussr is forever. And Crimea remained mostly russian populated even then and further more has always been very important strategically to Russia cos of the fleet that took centuries to create and was started by Peter the great. It ended up as part of ukrain during perestroika while Russia was weak with permanently drunk eltsin as a president and could do nothing about it and spent years supplying Ukraine with cheap energy with the right of the Russians and their fleet to remain in Ukraine in return while Ukraine was a friendly neighbour...


days of Eltsins chaos are long gone... Putin... We all know what Putin is like and how much he is supported in Russia for bringing at least some sort of order and prosperity to Russia (I am not his fan by far for the record). So when anti russian nationalists activated in Ukraine it was extremely stupid of Obama to jump on the opportunity to poke the bear and sponsor it all and of eu to make Ukrainians choose "either Russia or Europe"... If he learned history he'd known that Russians would have never let their fleet go... Ukraine is a bilingual country, Crimea is 60% russian, on the second day of their rule new Ukrainian government banned Russian Language... They've changed their mind 2 days later but it was too late.. Russia used this opportunity to move in with the referendum "to save the Russians"


all russia wanted is crimea, there is zero interest in invading ukrain and dealing with extra 45mln of very poor people and messed up economy etc and this move would never be supported by russian population. Current joke in Russia is that Obama paid for Russia to get Crimea back without a single shot practically. Putins rating in Russia at the mo is as high as ever cos of Olympics and for getting Crimea back which means that his crazy regime just grown even stronger...


and ukrain can go and join EU like it's been promised for turning it's back on Russia...Al 45mln of them... And since Turkey is first in line... They would have to join eu too...


and as for nuclear power in ukrain... Really? There is someone out there who truly wishes they still had it?!!!! Ukrain practically survives on fees for russian gas transit fees for russian fleet being based there and by buying Russian energy half price... Oh and selling weapons to Africa, Asia etc. cos they have factories left from the ussr times. Current Ukrainian government having nuclear power (although I am sure it would have been sold by now ) would really be great...



russia and us are the only two countries in the workd with a nuclear triad (nuc power in the air, sea and on the ground) no one is going to start a war with Russia over Ukraine...


the only reason US yaps so much cos it's a huge humiliation for Obama especially after Syrias use of biological weapon insident when Putin again saved the day for Obama... Obama is a muppet and turning out to be the biggest disappointment of America.!his rating at 1st election was 81%, now it's 47... Even lower than jw bush...

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In 1954 it was not given to ukrain. It was just assigned to be part of one state over another whithin one country- ussr. And it was done during times when the entire communist party believed that ussr is forever. And Crimea remained mostly russian populated even then and further more has always been very important strategically to Russia cos of the fleet that took centuries to create and was started by Peter the great. It ended up as part of ukrain during perestroika while Russia was weak with permanently drunk eltsin as a president and could do nothing about it and spent years supplying Ukraine with cheap energy with the right of the Russians and their fleet to remain in Ukraine in return while Ukraine was a friendly neighbour...


days of Eltsins chaos are long gone... Putin... We all know what Putin is like and how much he is supported in Russia for bringing at least some sort of order and prosperity to Russia (I am not his fan by far for the record). So when anti russian nationalists activated in Ukraine it was extremely stupid of Obama to jump on the opportunity to poke the bear and sponsor it all and of eu to make Ukrainians choose "either Russia or Europe"... If he learned history he'd known that Russians would have never let their fleet go... Ukraine is a bilingual country, Crimea is 60% russian, on the second day of their rule new Ukrainian government banned Russian Language... They've changed their mind 2 days later but it was too late.. Russia used this opportunity to move in with the referendum "to save the Russians"


all russia wanted is crimea, there is zero interest in invading ukrain and dealing with extra 45mln of very poor people and messed up economy etc and this move would never be supported by russian population. Current joke in Russia is that Obama paid for Russia to get Crimea back without a single shot practically. Putins rating in Russia at the mo is as high as ever cos of Olympics and for getting Crimea back which means that his crazy regime just grown even stronger...


and ukrain can go and join EU like it's been promised for turning it's back on Russia...Al 45mln of them... And since Turkey is first in line... They would have to join eu too...


and as for nuclear power in ukrain... Really? There is someone out there who truly wishes they still had it?!!!! Ukrain practically survives on fees for russian gas transit fees for russian fleet being based there and by buying Russian energy half price... Oh and selling weapons to Africa, Asia etc. cos they have factories left from the ussr times. Current Ukrainian government having nuclear power (although I am sure it would have been sold by now ) would really be great...



russia and us are the only two countries in the workd with a nuclear triad (nuc power in the air, sea and on the ground) no one is going to start a war with Russia over Ukraine...


the only reason US yaps so much cos it's a huge humiliation for Obama especially after Syrias use of biological weapon insident when Putin again saved the day for Obama... Obama is a muppet and turning out to be the biggest disappointment of America.!his rating at 1st election was 81%, now it's 47... Even lower than jw bush...




fair comments ...its all about iran and Israel anyway ...that's the flashpoint ....that's where it will go off .....that's why Obama has been cap in hand to Saudi Arabia today , gaining money and support , in case this thing goes pear shaped .

Russia and iran are supporting assad ....the u.s , the Saudis and Qatar are supporting the sunni rebels.

its a sunni v shia war by proxy ....as long as no one starts poking the Israelis with a stick , its containable.

They will not hesitate ...they don't need or expect the west to intervene ...they will and expect to go it alone ...watch this space

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It reminds me of Yes Prime Minister, when Russian invade it wont be a full scale invasion, it will be one country at a time salami tactics, when do you press the botton? Personally I had always thought we should have gone in and crushed the russians in the early 90's when they were in caos at the full of the soviet union , they were starving, no one had the keys to the Nukes... now they are building up and powerfull again on the back of all the gas money.

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