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Holiday currency

le petit roi

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Not sure if this forum is the best place to put this...mods please move to a more suitable place if it isn't.


A friend and I are going on holiday separately to the UK and a couple of parts of Europe later in the year.


I've got a UK account I can tap into for GBP so accessing cash in the UK is no problem however my friend doesn't have this option. Neither of us though have access to a Euro account for when we are in the Eurozone.


Are there any suggestions on what is the best secure and cost effective method of having access to Euros (or in my friends case, Euros and GBP) when travelling?



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Some of the fees being charged and exchange rates offered by the overwhelming majority of these ForEx companies are quite ridiculous. A common Euro currency with UK and the rest of the Eurozone countries makes very good sense on some levels. Thanls for your replies; I'll check with my bank on their charges for using the ATM with my bank card in Europe. It would be the most straight-forward. If my friend and I do it right, we should be able to halve the fees.

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