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Failed Rabies bloods after 2 shots... What should we do :(


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My little dog has failed his rabies blood test, after having two rabies shots one month apart. I have heard that some dogs can fail after only having one jab and thats why the vet recommended he have the two. She said he should have no problems. I really wasn't expecting this.

They have said to give him another shot, but after the two he has had already his result is at 0.15 and it needs to be at least 0.5.


We were planning on, once we had received his bloods back, applying with a pet shipping company and getting him scheduled to leave around the 23rd Sept, with us following him on on the 30th.


The situation is made more complicated by the fact that my husbands current visa to be in the UK runs out on the 4th Oct, so we (or at least he) would need to be out of here by then. If I get him vaccinated as soon as possible the earliest he (the dog) would be able to leave the UK would be the 12th Oct.


I just dont know what to do, I cant face leaving him behind and im terrified that he will fail his bloods again.


Has anyone else had this problem? I have been searching google for the last hour for answers but I am not finding any.

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I believe that you can get 2 shots only for the dog. If it fails both then it will not get the import permit for Aus. We are going through the same process at the moment with our dog. Try Sarah at Petair and she may know something that I don't.

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You can definitely have more vaccines for your dog, they can have as many as they need, just whatever it takes to get the antibodies up. It is practically unheard of for your dog to fail twice and so you need to make sure your dog is fit and well and the vaccines are from a good batch which have been stored properly.

Best of luck

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