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190 NT SS Refusal

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Last week I received following response from NT authorities for my NT SS application. My occupation 242111 is there in 'High Demand' and DIAC ceiling is not reached. Why was my application rejected? Does this mean that they have started evaluating applications based on new criteria? Shouldn't they process the application as per the criteria application at the time of application?


Would appreciate any suggestions on how can I move forward?


Best Regards,





The General Skilled Migration Program is designed to provide Australian employers with a skilled, job ready work force. The many changes that were made to the national and state specific scheme requirements recently for a number of occupations are focused on improving the employment outcome for people who come to Australia as skilled independent and sponsored migrants.


Due to an influx of applications with certain occupations, this Department undertakes extensive employment market research and consults with Northern Territory employers in the relevant industry in the assessment process. This is designed to determine the employment prospects of the various applicants for sponsorship and to ensure that those applicants who are sponsored meet the Northern Territory employers' needs.


Consultations with the relevant industry in the Northern Territory indicated that employers are seeking professionals who have specific skills set and experience that would make him/her employable in the Northern Territory.

Your client’s skills and experience related to your nominated occupation are not in line with NT employer’s needs.


Therefore, your application has not been certified and is now closed.


The Case Officer’s decision is final and no further correspondence will be carried out related to this application.

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Guest Guest 47403

Sorry you didn't receive your SS.


However perhaps the NT are beginning to realise something a lot of the other states don't seem to be, and that is just because an occupation is on the skills list it doesn't always reflect in the local job market, by reading a lot of posts on here regarding how many are struggling to secure work when they arrive the SOL needs a major overhaul to reflect what is really happening in local job markets.


Again sorry you didn't get your SS but better that than leaving a secure job where ever you are to then find you can't secure work the other end.

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Last week I received following response from NT authorities for my NT SS application. My occupation 242111 is there in 'High Demand' and DIAC ceiling is not reached. Why was my application rejected? Does this mean that they have started evaluating applications based on new criteria? Shouldn't they process the application as per the criteria application at the time of application?


Would appreciate any suggestions on how can I move forward?


Best Regards,





The General Skilled Migration Program is designed to provide Australian employers with a skilled, job ready work force. The many changes that were made to the national and state specific scheme requirements recently for a number of occupations are focused on improving the employment outcome for people who come to Australia as skilled independent and sponsored migrants.


Due to an influx of applications with certain occupations, this Department undertakes extensive employment market research and consults with Northern Territory employers in the relevant industry in the assessment process. This is designed to determine the employment prospects of the various applicants for sponsorship and to ensure that those applicants who are sponsored meet the Northern Territory employers' needs.


Consultations with the relevant industry in the Northern Territory indicated that employers are seeking professionals who have specific skills set and experience that would make him/her employable in the Northern Territory.

Your client’s skills and experience related to your nominated occupation are not in line with NT employer’s needs.


Therefore, your application has not been certified and is now closed.


The Case Officer’s decision is final and no further correspondence will be carried out related to this application.




May i know your profession, skill assessment from which authority, IELTS Score in individual band, years of experiences..then it would be easier to suggest you...normally, its a normal incident. previously, many people after getting rejected in one state got the SS in another one..so, don't just frustration let your judgement cloud. Just take right decision !! Good luck with your next endeavors !!

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This is a real shame for you and I'm sorry to read it.


Baz is correct though, and I can actually see all of the States eventually coming round to only issuing SS visa's with a firm job offer at the other end in the foreseeable future. Thus yes, like WA, the applicant will have to work in the job that they have been granted the visa for.


Your job as a university lecturer is obviously a highly skilled one, but, really to avoid this in the future DIAC and the State governments perhaps ought to state in which subject they have a high demand in, because much the same as general teaching there is a shortage of Maths and Science teachers but not so of English, Geography, Drama and so on.

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Thank you, Baz and Stevenandkirsty. Is there any appeal authority where I can take my case?


Abdullah, here are the details. University Lecturer, IELTS overall 7.5 (7 / 7+ in each band), PhD with 11 years of experience, (8 years in the nominated occupation), VETASSESS positive, DIAC 190 Score : 75


Best Regards,

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Hi jojo..


For NSW, I have to wait till July (as their quote for the year is over). I have to also keep my fingers crossed that 'University Lecturer' remains there in the list post July. Do you have any past data? Does is stay there over the years ?!

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  • 2 weeks later...

may be there are considering new list they yet to publish. in the draft version of 2014 NT SS Occupational list ur occupation is absent, thus may be they refused u.



Last week I received following response from NT authorities for my NT SS application. My occupation 242111 is there in 'High Demand' and DIAC ceiling is not reached. Why was my application rejected? Does this mean that they have started evaluating applications based on new criteria? Shouldn't they process the application as per the criteria application at the time of application?


Would appreciate any suggestions on how can I move forward?


Best Regards,





The General Skilled Migration Program is designed to provide Australian employers with a skilled, job ready work force. The many changes that were made to the national and state specific scheme requirements recently for a number of occupations are focused on improving the employment outcome for people who come to Australia as skilled independent and sponsored migrants.


Due to an influx of applications with certain occupations, this Department undertakes extensive employment market research and consults with Northern Territory employers in the relevant industry in the assessment process. This is designed to determine the employment prospects of the various applicants for sponsorship and to ensure that those applicants who are sponsored meet the Northern Territory employers' needs.


Consultations with the relevant industry in the Northern Territory indicated that employers are seeking professionals who have specific skills set and experience that would make him/her employable in the Northern Territory.

Your client’s skills and experience related to your nominated occupation are not in line with NT employer’s needs.


Therefore, your application has not been certified and is now closed.


The Case Officer’s decision is final and no further correspondence will be carried out related to this application.

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Hello Kate,


Even I thought the same. Now the new list is out and my profession 'University Lecturer' is there in 'high priority'. Though, they say that my particular specialization of teaching (management) is not in demand.



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oh I have seen their draft version and Uni Lecturer wasn't there but aha just find out they included it in their final list. However, limited the field of teaching. and I am 200% sure in their refusal mail they meant exactly the same

"Consultations with the relevant industry in the Northern Territory indicated that employers are seeking professionals who have specific skills set and experience that would make him/her employable in the Northern Territory."


So that's the main reason. they are considering new list now but its really confusing as they didn't upgrade the list on their main place of website. :confused:

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  • 2 months later...

Any idea on NSW's July listing and University Lecturer's status in that? !




For now I believe the only hope is NSW in July if they continue to keep University lecturer in 190.. Fingers crossed.. :rolleyes:

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Hi, I have a 190 visa SS from NSW as a university lecturer, I have just been out to sydney for 3 weeks to do a recki on jobs and it wasn't good news for uni lecturers, there were jobs but in very specific fields, I would say quite rare fields too, I can teach business, economics, finance, tourism, events and there was nothing for me, however I did look at tafe and they had opportunities for my field, however it's a college level not uni, the pay was $75 per hr so quite good but posts were quite far from the city. Just might want to be sure you can find work before you pay the money if you need to work once there.

good luck, jojo x

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Hi Jojo,


Thanks for updating on the ground situation. I would not mind going interior. Let me hope NSW keeps University Lecturer when the reopen the applications. I also have fairly similar profile as yours. PhD, business, economics, tourism.


Best Regards,

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  • 3 months later...

I received exactly the same reply for Human Resource Adviser. My qualifications has been assessed by VETASSESS and got a positive feedback. My agent do not know exactly what was missing with my qualifications as I am an HR Graduate with Masters Degree and been working in this field for more than 8 years. There are 2 things that I think was the reason for the rejection (1) I do not have any close family ties in NT (2) I do not have any job offer ---although I really tried submitting applications but they all preferred to hire those who are already holder of Australian visa... Is there any one here who can enlighten me and what will be the next available option for me

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