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Drought proof Perth

Guest Guest66881

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Guest Guest66881

As sisters Ruby and Asha Casey played joyfully in the lush surrounds of their grandparents' Bicton home this week, weather experts were reaching for the record books.

Not since official monitoring began in Perth in 1876 had the period between November 1 and February 28 featured fewer than five days of rain.

Yet last night, when an inevitably long, hot summer drew to a close, a record first set in 1902-03 and matched in 1997-98 and 2010-11 was broken.

For the first time in Perth's history, there had been just three days of measurable rain. Just 2mm of rain fell over summer. The average is 35.6mm.

Such a scenario a decade ago, when the harshest of water restrictions would have been one of few options available to WA's water bosses, might have brought an end to little Asha and Ruby's days of summer fun under the sprinklers.

But in drought-proof Perth, where desalination plants have become the cornerstone of the city's water supplies and replaced all but redundant dams, it is no longer panic stations.http://au.news.yahoo.com/thewest/latest/a/21774173/how-drought-proof-perth-beat-big-dry/

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Guest Guest66881

That came up a few weeks ago i was told it rained for half a minute on the Mitchell freeway must be that? But we ain't seen any rain at all up here.

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