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taking Insulin onto a plane ....


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my daughter is type 1 diabetic and about to fly on Saturday , will there be any problems regarding the Insulin she needs 4 times per day boarding the plane as its classed as a liquid ...are all airlines aware that its a life saving liquid/ medication ............mrs tonyman has asked me to ask the question ask they don't want any bother in Doha ...........we have a Doctors note too....

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I would take a prescription too, insulin will be fully understood in Doha though.


Hope the flight goes well for them in these difficult circumstances.

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I know people who travel with insulin and other meds on a regular basis, shouldn`t be a problem, especially if you have a doctor`s note with you. Did she travel such a long distance after she was diagnosed? The flight might throw her off balance a little, have some extra insulin and some hard candy with you just in case. That said, a lot of people fly without ever needing to adjust the insulin dose.

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