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457 visa


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a company that could possibly sponsor me on a 457 visa have asked if I would like to first work in their office in the Philippines for 12 months before moving onto Brisbane. I know the 457 visas are now harder to attain so would working with the company already in the Philippines make it easier to get the visa? Just to note they have sponsored people on 457s in the past.


Thanks in advance.

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Hi there,


I guess it would show you were willing to work for them and some commitment to the company, but I don't suppose they will be obliged to offer you a 457 at the end of it. I should imagine that if you are a good worker then they would do so but it could be a gamble that you are taking on the hope of being able to live and work in Australia at the end of it. If you do go to the Philippines would it be just you or a family going too? I guess you'd need to look at living expenses there etc to see if it is plausible for you to do that for 12 months with the possible disappointment that it may be for nothing. What would you be giving up in the UK if no offers were forthcoming at the end of 12 months in the Philippines?

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I will be travelling alone. It was in terms to immigration. I will be working with somebody I know and he said that he thought it would make it easier to get the visa if I was already working for the company. Suppose I'm just worried that I agree to go out there and then when it come to apply for the 457 visa it gets rejected. I don't think they have took on people since the new changes last July that have made the 457 more difficult to obtain. I might just be worrying about nothing and there will be no problem at all, just fearing the worst.

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I would do it if you are happy to work in phillipines for a year but if your only doing it to get to aus then it is a risk...maybe look for another sponsor? Or enjoy phillipines for now and not think too far ahead..if it gets you to aus great..if not you have had a years experience somewhere else

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