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WHV driving offence


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Hi there,


I really want to apply for a working holiday visa as soon as possible but I'm worried that I won't get one as I got a fine for speeding last year.


I have read about people who have been given a WHV regardless of this but I am worried as my offence was so recent. I was found speeding on a public road on 30.06.13 last year and was summoned to court. I never actually had to go to court, I just pleaded guilty by post in the end and I received a fine and no driving ban on 24.12.13.


I'm worried as this offence/fine was so recent!


Will I be refused a working holiday visa and what can I do to increase my chances? I have no other offences and I was only speeding because I wanted to get home as I was unwell on this day.


Thanks for any advice

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Really? What did you say on your application and what did they require from you?

My big tip is don't try to justify it like you did in your last part of your post. That implys you have not learnt your lesson and still think being sick is an excuse to speed.

Just be honest and factual.

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I've just remembered that I failed to pay road tax before it expired as well - this was years ago. Do I need to mention that as well? This is starting to stress me out! Does anyone know of the police records that immigration look at so I can look at them first? Thank you for everyone's advice

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