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UK Immigration


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Just a quick vent :)


I'm not currently in the process of moving back but will be someday, so I was looking at the UK Immigration website to get an idea of what I'd need to do. Is it just me or is the whole thing just massively confusing?? Applying for my Australian partner visa was a piece of cake compared to this lol!

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Do you mean you are British and wanting to bring your Aus spouse back to the UK with you?


If so, be prepared for a tough task ahead.




The financial requirement is catching a lot of couples out.




Basically it is what it is, you will need an income of £18,600 to be able to sponsor your partner for a spouse visa. This is I think acceptable in the form of a job offer secured (but don't take my word on that, find out for yourself if this is the case) or you being in the UK and working for 6 months and then them applying.


Or you need to have savings of over £64,000 or so.


It may change if another party wins the next election but don't bank on it.

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Your child should be able yo gain British citizenship by descent via you. So that is hopefully one less thing to worry about. It would just be hubby and meeting the financial requirement.

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Yes unfortunately the rule was introduced to stop British citizens who originated from mainly the Indian subcontinent and Africa , Middle East ,bringing wives from those countries, there were also concerns re young women from those countries almost being forced to go th the UK to marry. Of course the government could not openly just target those groups as it would be seen as gross discrimination so hey ho everyone was included unfortunately , I understand this ruling may change or be modified with a change of govt

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My wife is from Asia and we presently live in the Middle East (hopefully that will change to Australia soon) and UK immigration was one of the final issues which made is commit to getting Australian residency.

We wanted to go to the UK and applied for a family visit visa for my wife, they said oh you might stay in the UK so that's not good, so ok we ask about the spouse visa and get told, ah but you don't live and work in the UK so you can't have that visa........ Took several arguments on the phone with the embassy, they put the phone down on me (so I thought we had no chance now) then issued us a 5 year visit visa. The irony now is we have more rights in Australia then the UK with our Aussie PR, so I guess we choose the country we wants us.


UK immigration is a joke, with rules to pander to the electorate without tackling the actual issues.

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As I understand there is a backdoor if living in another EU country. Don't recall all the details to hand, like duration in country or if necessary to have worked in that country, but could be worth checking out. Perhaps a stay in Ireland would get around it?


Yes, if you are resident in an EU country for a certain amount of time, then you can gain residency or something in the UK. But I think I remember reading that this loophole was going to be closed, or revised.

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