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457 visa enquiry. should i DIY or find a immigration lawyer??


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Hello, i am new to this web, but it looks very informative, hopefully i can get help from you all. thank you in advance.


my situation is i have done both bachelor of business management and master of fashion and textiles degrees in Australia (2012). i am 26 years old, i am working for current company as a marketing assistant over half year. my visa (485) is expired in November 2014. now i want my company sponsor me. my company is a multinational sized company, we have over 50 employees here. my title is marketing assistant however on the list, the closest one i can find is marketing specialist. i am not sure if it is ok to apply.


could someone please advise me where should i start?? should i get a immigration lawyer to help me?


from the company side, what materials need to be prepared for immigration office?? how much the cost would be?? if the company is not willing to pay, shall i pay by myself?? will that cause legal problems? my current salary doesn't meet market rate in Australia.


is there any good immigration lawyer you recommend in Melbourne Australia?? much appreciate your help.



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Hi stella,


The most important information are all listed inimmi.gov.au.


You can find the requirement for different visa options including the company sponsored or the independent skilled migration...


My suggestion, it is much flexible to go with the GSM, but it all depend on your skill assessment...

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Hi Stella!


Congratulations on having an employer willing to sponsor you! When you applied for your 485 visa, what occupation did you use? Marketing specialist does sound like that could be the case but it would be worth noting that the Department will look at what your occupation was when you applied for the 485 and look at your new visa application under that light. If you can obtain a full skills assessment, you should consider a permanent skilled visa (189 or 190) because you will not be bound to a particular employer with that visa and (although it takes a lot longer than a 457) it will give you more freedom and the security of knowing you can stay as a permanent resident.


Keep in mind that the occupation you nominate must also be the actual occupation you have (not just a similar title). So you will need to look at the description on ANZSCO and the tasks that correspond to that occupation because if you don't perform those tasks chances are your visa may be refused.


If you do want to go for a 457, your employer will need to apply to become a sponsor, then they nominate the occupation and finally you can apply for the visa (all three steps can be done at the same time). If you are not sure where to start, get in touch with a Migration Agent and I'm sure they will be happy to talk to your sponsor as well and explain the basic procedure! For you, this process may be simpler and much quicker since most occupations don't require a skills assessment but it also means you would have a temporary visa which is dependent on your employer.


Good luck, sounds like you have pretty good cards at this moment and a few options open!




Claudia R

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