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Just joined, thought we'd say G'Day !!

Guest deb and stoo

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Guest deb and stoo


Hi All

We just joined today and would like to say hello to all you hopeful poms looking for the better life just like us.

We've reached the 'filling out the questionaire for the SIR application form for South Australia' having had my trade recognised so we all have everything crossed here.

Hoping to chat to some of you soon,Deb reckons I could talk for England,hopefully soon Australia :P


Deb & Stoo

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Hello and welcome.

We, OH and three sons are hopefully headed to Melbourne but have visited Adelaid as I have family there.

Good luck with it all :!:


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Guest deb and stoo


Hi Lesley

And thank you for the welcome,most appreciated.

Only thing now is Deb wants to know where you got the avatar ?



Deb & Stoo

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I just put in a Google search for Disney Avatars and then for one that would fit. I wanted Tinkerbell really as my Oh reckons shes like me (small & stroppy) but I couldn't find one that fitted :!:

Good Luck


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Guest likesshopping

Hi Deb and stoo!!


We too are applying to SA on a SIR application, we have completed all the forms but still waiting to hear that my husband skills are recognised (should be no problems-vetasses are taking longer at the moment) We have our house on the market and just want to get there............just in case you dont know, theres another fab forum for those of us who are going to SA - its called adelaidebrits......


Anyway, good luck with everything.


Sarah :)


Ps, married with 2 daughters aged 6 & 9

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...and a fairly good general one for Moigrants here...







...Should have said... This one is a pay-site. so you need to sign on... (and I have absolutely no association with it whatsoever. I just found t on my web-travels..)


...and "Moigrants" is Migrants in a Queensland accent, and not just a slip of the fingers on the keyboard :oops:

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Guest deb and stoo


Hi All

Thanks for the replies,we'll certianly check out the site you mentioned and we're already a member of Adelaide Brits and posting like theres no tommorrow.

Our agent has just sent the SIR off to the SA goverment so fingers crossed should'nt be too long now.We've had our house vlaued but are not putting it on the market until the visa's in the passport.

Good luck to you guys too and see you out there for a 'baaaaaaaarbie' perhaps :D


Deb & Stoo

Sons of 13 & 10

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Guest Nathan & Mandie

A big Hi from us. We are the typical family two adults, two kids. Hoping to go to Melbourne. Weve done the skills TRA bit sent Visa application off in May. Still no C.O as yet but done everything we can do so far. House is going on market next week. Fingers crossed it all falls into place smoothly - yeah like!!!! If you have any questions there are plenty of helpful guys on this site you will find an answer or at least some sound advice.


Good luck with the TRA.


Best Wishes Mandie.

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Guest flowergal

Hi Guys,


Just joined, thought Id say Hi!!! :lol:


Hubby Adrian myself Amanda and son Marcus 12 are just about to send off TRA stuff (chef), fingers xxxed we got it right 1st time.


Hope to be heading to Perth at some point next year, the sooner the better.


This looks a great site for Qs and As, you will be seeing a lot of me over the coming months.


Amanda :D

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Guest deb and stoo


Hi Amanda & Co

Best of luck with the TRA stuff,It took us quite a few months to get it all together and send it off via our agent.What suprised me the most was the not believing I was in the Royal Navy for 6 years even though I had all my service records,work books etc etc but because the Navy couldn't release any details on me we ended up getting a letter from them saying 'yes he was with us for 6 years'.

I can imagine that doing it without an agent must be really hard,we know it costs but TEG have been really really good guiding us the whole way and are now submiting the SIR for South Australia so fingers crossed for sometime next year.

Deb gone to break the news to her mum this evening so preparing for a few tears,there again could suprise us and be totally supportive like mine with comments like'if only we'd done it' and 'its the only real future for the kids' and 'looking forward to coming to visit already'

Fingers crossed for you all.


Stoo XX

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Guest deb and stoo


Hi Daisydeeds

Love the Avatar,we have that as ours on adelaidebrits which is animated,couldn't get it to fit on this one.


Deb & Stoo

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Guest daisydeeds

Hey Deb.


I really wanted to have the animated one but I had to get my hubby to plooter about with it so that I could use it as my avatar here (ie make it smaller).


On another totally unrelated note, well, kinda, we went for a nature walk the other day and took various pictures of different kinds of mushrooms ... badgerbadger.com


Daisydeeds ;-)

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Guest deb and stoo


Hi Daisydeeds

badgerbadgerbadger.com so daft yet so funny,do you think the ozies have a similar thing ....wombatwombatwombat.com ???????

How far are you down the emigration road and whereabouts in Scotland are you all from?

My dad's family are from Fraserburgh and was great to see the area on 'Trawlermen' on the Beeb though not sure they needed the subtitles.

The scary thing was how most of the captains looked like me or my dad though as we have West's and Buchans in our family tree.

Best of luck with the process.


Deb & Stoo

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